
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Neutral schmeutral.

I'm drawn to photos of neutral rooms, but for me living with one....

no likey.

I've got very little wall space in our kitchen, and even my open shelving
doesn't provide much opportunity to add color to the room.

What I need........

is a double shot of color.

Sooooo, with one of my favorite food groups in mind,

I mixed up four different shades of green paint in my chem lab
to try on our kitchen table base.

It's just the ingredient that was missing in my vanilla kitchen.  :o)

I'm enjoying my last 2 days off before a marathon work schedule,
so this dose of color will have to tide me over until fall.

Happy summer!

*I'm joining the parties at:
Tweak it Tuesday  Cozy Little House
Mod Mix Monday  Mod Vintage Life
Share your Style The Essence of Home

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Time for a change.


It's been a few months since my last post and I'd like to thank those of you who
emailed me to see if everything's okay.  It's all good, but up north our summers
pass by in the blink of an eye, so I've let my laptop sit idle while the days fly by.
I had no intentions of posting today, but since I already uploaded the photos
I thought I'd dust off my keyboard and sneak in a quick post about the 
changes I've made in our living room.

I loved the original color of my clock, but it was too dark for this corner.

I mixed up blue and cream flat finish interior paints and covered
 the grayish green body of the clock.  Yikes!

  To tone down the bright blue, I rubbed on a mixture
 of Johnson's Paste Wax and black and burnt umber artist oil paints
and what a difference it made!

I also painted our too-large-for-this-corner armoire with the same creamy off-white
as our kitchen cabinets and now it feels less like the "elephant in the room".

(These are the 2 colors I mixed to paint the clock.)

Earlier this spring, Lowe's was kind enough to ah... lend me this sisal rug
 for a trial run, but in the end I returned it.  We're waiting for a call from the movers
so now's not the time to invest in a rug that I may not keep.

Oops!  I guess I should clarify.  Piano movers!
Yes, our piano is moving on to greener pastures.....literally.
Very soon it will make the trek to Beaverville (my pet name for their home
in the country) where it will live for all eternity.  hehe

I also recovered the red cushion on my seagrass chair and now I know,
without a doubt, that white furniture will not be making an appearance
in this room.  Our low-maintenance navy furniture has served us well 
over the past 25 years!

The reason I took these photos along with dozens more was to help me decide
 where to hem my curtains.  I found 2 sets in the perfect color for our double-hung windows
at HomeGoods for only $29.99 a pair!  They looked perfectly lovely right out of the package,  hanging straight down to the floor...but, as you can see, they would be right up against our
extremely hot live steam baseboard heaters, so I made countless trips up and down
a ladder to find the best length and I think this is it.  deep breath

*My Google safety experts recommend anywhere from 6 to 12 inches
between the bottom of the curtain and the top of the baseboard heater and I went with 6.

Inspiration photo.
Source: Georgica Pond

I'm in love with the look above, but without the built-in bench seating,
 the sill length panels made our windows look short and squat.  I'll live with them
 pinned up to the length they are for a while before I take my scissors to them....
scary business!

The curtains take up about a foot of wall space, so my lead glass
window had to come down and I replaced it with one of my many old mirrors.
  Now that I see it here, I think it needs to be moved up an inch or two, but no biggie.

 What's one more hole in the wall, right?

I have to work the next 5 days leading up to
our city's Jubilee Celebration with parade and fireworks,
 so today's my one and only day to get our house ready for our extended family.
Time's a wastin'!

Ready or not, here we come!
Five little.....angels?
(Our grands and grand niece on the left.  Photo by Ashley.)

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful summer!

*I'm joining the parties at:
Mod Mix Monday Mod Vintage Life
Tweak it Tuesday Cozy Little House
Share Your Style The Essence of Home
Furniture Feature Friday  Miss Mustard Seed