
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, the weather channel wasn't quite on the mark with all of the travel advisories issued for the holiday travelers. After an evening of snow and wind, it turned out to be a sunny but cold day up north.

We missed all the city folk that were unable to attend the Ranger Thanksgiving feast and  would like to share with Julie and Ashley ( the foodies ) a few pictures of my contributions to the meal.

Above is the very festive Piccadilly Pizza.

Next we have my pickle roll-ups. Not a very clever name, so I'm thinking of renaming them "Sushi Pickles". As you can see, I'm not totally inept in the kitchen. :@ 

Of course Grammy created a delicious spread topped off with her homemade apple and raspberry pies. Yum! I hope everybody had a wonderful day despite the last minute change in plans due to the weather.

 From my photo archives, I found a lovely picture to commemorate the holiday.

Let us give thanks.

Happy Birthday tomorrow Dave! Hugs and kisses to little Finley.


  1. Oh those little Pilgrim girls! Ha! The food looks wonderful!!!!

    We had Cracker Barrel Thanksgiving dinner:
    Cornbread stuffing
    Sweet potato casserole
    Mashed potatoes & gravy
    Biscuits and butter
    Chocolate milk
    Pumpkin pecan pie w/whipped cream

    They forgot to put the pie in our to-go I left Finley w/ Dave for the 1st time to go get the pie (which ended up being plain pumpkin - no pecan, no whip). Oh well...delicious either way!

    ***Your pictures look really nice too...same camera???

    Finley would blow you kisses right back if she would take a break from eating!!! I completely agree...little parasite! ;0)

  2. OMG. Ha. That picture is hilarious. Hehehehe......Mmmmm...Veggie pizza!!! I missed it. :( Oh well! Christmas this year! :) And yeah, your pickle roll-ups look so much better than mind every did. I gave up on them. ;) To frustrating. Can't wait to see everyone next weekend! NO SNOW!!!!

  3. I'm storing away the Cracker Barrel idea for the future and yes, same old camera. Tips: natural light with flash whenever possible and push shutter button halfway down to prefocus. Much better pics that way.
    The food pictures were tongue-in-cheek humor, but I do love the little pilgrim girls. :@
    P.S. Julie, we'll try not to watch the weather channel TOO much this week!


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