
Thursday, January 13, 2011


Whatever does one create for the newborn daughter of a model/ hair stylist mom and photographer dad? A super stylin' Studio 911 sock monkey, of course!

Mira Eve was born on Christmas Eve, so I thought a monkey attired in winter wear would be an appropriate gift for the little babe. A pair of Rockford Red Heel socks, a few pieces of fur, some fiberfill stuffing, and a star is born!

Here she is outfitted in a faux fur swing coat and jaunty little hat she purchased at Oh,Sock Baby. ( the sock monkey version of  Oh, Baby! at Galleria ) The coat has a fabric flower that is SO this season! It even has an opening for her tail to prevent those oh-so-embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions that seem to plague all the celebrities these days.

She has been busy socializing with the sock monkey gang that resides on a shelf in in our basement, but will be leaving early tomorrow morning to meet her new roommate, Miss Mira. Here she is with her Louis Vuitton bag all packed and ready to go.

Her new friends are sad to see her go, but know she will be gloriously happy in her new home. (She has heard from her sources that a professional decorator has put the finishing touches into her designer room.)  

Congratulations Leah and Craig!!!


  1. how fashion forward! super cute!

  2. I'm waiting for your next announcement so I can start on your baby's fairy sock monkey.

  3. Hehehe. That was so cute, Mom! I am sure Miss Mira will love it. :)

    I espeically love the whole in the jacket for her tail. Hehehehe......

  4. Oh my goodness, that is so precious!!! Awww...Miss Mira will love it! Thank you so much!!!

    So thoughtful, I'm touched :)

  5. I left your gift with Julie to bring when she visits next. I hear there is a play date set for Mira and Finley ( or for the new moms and mom-to-be). Have fun!


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