
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Up a Creek without a Paddle

Don't worry, I've got you covered. 

I ventured out into the pouring rain in the wee hours of the morning to be at the head of the line for the first estate sale of the season.  NOT!!  I was up at 6:00, but one look outside convinced me that I would be better off relaxing with my coffee and newspaper while the early birds stood in line in the freezing rain. 

Wise choice.

I ran into my friend Margo, who was one of those unfortunate souls standing in the rain waiting for the doors to open.  She said I didn't miss any great deals, so I was doubly glad I kept my hair dry.

I did manage to snag a few deals ( it's hard not to get caught up in the frenzy) after all.  I picked up a few blue glass insulators to be used for an outdoor chandelier project.  They were practically giving them away at 50 cents apiece.  Being the practical person that I am, I realized that I needed something to carry them home in, so I found the Pepsi crate under a table. 

Sorry Julie, not a wine crate, but almost.

I was wishy washy on this soup tureen and Margo convinced me to buy it.  She is such a bad influence on me, but is usually right about good pieces.  Waaaaay back in the 80's we all thought she was NUTS when she paid a whopping 37 dollars for a Hoosier cabinet.  Boy did our jaws drop when we saw the refinished piece complete with etched glass panel that had been painted over.  So........ I bought the tureen.

So what if I serve Campbell's chicken noodle soup?!

The first item I spotted that raised my heart rate was this baseball game for 6 dollars!  It has an electrical cord, but I don't think I will risk plugging it in.  It should be safe enough hanging on the wall in the man cave. 

A trip down memory lane for Bill.  I'm sure he must have owned this game as a child.

Of course I couldn't pass up this juice set in a lovely blue and white pattern.  I was going to buy the pitcher for 10 dollars, but realized that was the price for the WHOLE SET! 

Fresh squeezed orange juice anybody?

And last of all, the reason for my post title.  At these sales, there is usually a corner filled with old tools and such.  I normally don't bother looking, because I have to push my way in between all the guys inspecting the loot.  They are very territorial in that department.  Today I found an opening and grabbed another old weathered boat paddle for the bargain bin price of.....

Whoops!  I thought I rotated the picture.

And there you have it.  All for less than the price of a tank of gas.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Love Spring

Nothing says spring like sitting on our new cedar swing in the back yard.  Who put the white cushions on it? Oh, yeh, Mother Nature.

The above pictures were taken on Sunday when the temp was around 60 and sunny.

Today is the official opening of Mesaba Country Club. :@   I guess Bill won't be golfing tonight, so maybe we'll have dinner on the patio instead.

We better get the patio umbrella out to keep the snow off our plates.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Tisket a Tasket, a Lovely Easter Basket.

Well, 1960's shopping basket, actually.

I had Friday afternoon off ( yipee! ) so I had time to do a little browsing at one of my favorite antique shops.  I found this shopping basket that is in perfect condition and thought it would work well for holding my current knitting projects.  Also, I do love the color!  

Look what the Easter Bunny left in my little basket this morning.........

What, no candy!?

Obviously, Mr.Bunny knew our computer has been sick with a VIRUS again!  Yes, our computer had to spend a few days in the hospital, but is feeling much better thanks to a new security program and external hard drive still waiting to be installed.  I (Bill) also had to install a new program for uploading pictures, which will change again if the new camera I ordered ever arrives.  Due to the disaster in Japan, many Canon cameras, including the one I ordered, are on back order indefinitely.  The good news is that I didn't lose any important pictures or information.  Whew!

Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

All Aboard!

Even though the only subways we have on the Iron Range are of the sandwich variety, I do love the look of a vintage subway sign. 

(Above images courtesy of Google Images.)

I admired the print Julie has hanging in her dining room with Minneapolis streets, but doubt it is available for our neck of the woods.  So, I created my own version and here are some general instructions so you can make yours, too.

Once again, I bought a piece of birch plywood that I painted with black acrylic craft paint for a nice flat finish.  I used our greeting card computer program to make a mock-up of the pattern using various fonts for the streets and locations in town that are part of our family history.  Alice Park, to which we made daily treks when the girls were little, has been plowed over to make room for an assisted living facility, and the fairgrounds has moved out of town, but I still incorporated them into my design.

I transferred the design to my board with white tracing paper and gave all the letters 2 to 3 coats of antique white paint.  I then sanded the piece with large grit sandpaper, and gave it a quick spray coating of matte acrylic sealer.

Next, I antiqued my sign with artist oil paint which I lightly rubbed on with a soft cloth until it looked properly aged.  I then sprayed it with a one more coat of sealer followed by several coats of water-based matte finish varnish applied with a sponge brush to give it a smooth surface that won't attract dust.

Because I like the finished look of a simple wood frame, I stained a few pieces of pine molding and glued and nailed them to the plywood.  I added screw eyes and picture wire to the back for hanging, and that's it!

My personalized "subway" sign.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Taxes for Dummies

Subtract line A from line B, add line C and multiply times three.  Huh?  That is my knowledge of filing taxes, since I have never been involved in the process.  That job falls on Mr.Ranger's shoulders.  I have enough things to worry about.

We went to the home show in Duluth last weekend, so of course I had to stop at the antique store on the way.  I found a special present for Bill to help him with the budget balancing.

It may look like a retro toy, but really is quite useful.

Beads to the right, we're getting a refund, beads to the left, we pay.  Looks good!

And now for upcoming events:

I better make room in my car.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ebony and Ivory

Over a decade ago, an antique shop downtown had the cutest red painted toy piano for sale.  Unfortunately, it was quite expensive, and really, did I need one more old thing in our already crowded little house?  No!

That antique shop closed it's doors a few years ago, and then re-opened in the old train depot a few blocks from our house ( how convenient for me ).  I stopped in to browse during one of my Saturday morning walks a few weeks ago, and lo and behold, there it was again!

It was already priced much lower than I remember, but with this being the slow time of year for antique sales, I made an even lower offer which the owner accepted!  We now have a new toy for me the grandbabies to play with when they visit. 

I even downloaded simple instructions on " how to play Chopsticks on the piano" for Jeremy the grandbabies.


WHAT, you are probably wondering, is that thing sitting on top of the piano?  It is an adorable cat/skunk? as you can read on the price tag below.

What a bargain for only $3.00!  Cat/skunk even has a bendable wire in his tail for posing.  How cute!  I've noticed all the trendy popular blogs have weekly giveaways, so I thought I would follow along and have my own giveaway starting today.  And what better prize than cat/skunk ?! 

Drum roll please.  And the winner is..............

Congratulations, Julie!  He will look SO cute on your little red wagon shelf!

Meow meow kitty off to meow meow P baby nursery.

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Knick of Time Tuesday

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Baby 101

Attention class!  You have exactly 5 minutes to finish the exam.
All business.

Put on your

Shhhh!  No talking during the test!

Pass me the crib notes please.

Less that six months ago, we had Megan's baby shower, and this past Sunday, it was Julie's turn.  We had a lovely time with Julie's good friends and family in attendance.  Lots of kiddies, too!

Quiet!  I'm talking to you!

Is that Baby Gap?

Posing for the paparazzi.

Cake anyone?
(  Excellent reviews on the Costco cream filled cake. Yum! )

Julie's favorite aunts.
( From left:  Auntie Jacky, Julie, Auntie Terri, and yes, AUNTIE Traci. )

Mommy-to-be Ashley, Grandma-to-be Jacky and daughter-in-law Laura.

Feels like a.....boy!

Hurry up, we're FREEZING!
( Me and my girls.)

I can hardly wait to meet my cousin P baby!  I wonder if it will be a boy cousin or a girl cousin?

Que sera, sera. What will be, will be.