
Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Tisket a Tasket, a Lovely Easter Basket.

Well, 1960's shopping basket, actually.

I had Friday afternoon off ( yipee! ) so I had time to do a little browsing at one of my favorite antique shops.  I found this shopping basket that is in perfect condition and thought it would work well for holding my current knitting projects.  Also, I do love the color!  

Look what the Easter Bunny left in my little basket this morning.........

What, no candy!?

Obviously, Mr.Bunny knew our computer has been sick with a VIRUS again!  Yes, our computer had to spend a few days in the hospital, but is feeling much better thanks to a new security program and external hard drive still waiting to be installed.  I (Bill) also had to install a new program for uploading pictures, which will change again if the new camera I ordered ever arrives.  Due to the disaster in Japan, many Canon cameras, including the one I ordered, are on back order indefinitely.  The good news is that I didn't lose any important pictures or information.  Whew!

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Yep! I think you learned your lesson after one time...Not like me. ;) Hehehe.

    Hoppy Easter! Talk later! On my way to Cannon Falls!


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