
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Robin's Egg Blue

After a whole week of battling a nasty cold we are passing around at work, I finally felt somewhat human this afternoon.  As I was walking around in my shade garden, I spotted something on the ground that I thought was a marble.  When I got closer, I realized it was a robin egg that had fallen to the ground. 

Isn't it a beautiful shade of blue?  I usually don't see the whole egg, just the remains after the eggs have hatched.  So there it is, the perfect robin's egg blue.


  1. Oohhhh! Pretty! :) You went out of doors today? Wow. That's on my list tomorrow. ;) Finally a day of sun.

  2. Yes, I was actually puttering around in my yard 'till almost 9:00! We have to take advantage of the longer days whenever we can.

  3. i love the color! almost doesnt look like a real robins egg


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