
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ahoy Matey!

Quick, get the binoculars!!  Darn, I dropped them in the middle of the lake last summer!

I'm not sure ( not the best long distance vision ) but I think I see a .........battleship in the middle of the lake!?

Earlier this spring I was presented with a model gunboat made by a WWII U.S. Navy veteran.  He is in his eighties and loves to tell off-color Polish jokes, so when I mentioned that I have a Polish son-in-law, well that was the icing on the cake.

This gentleman has connections to a local lumberyard that allow him to pick scrap lumber for building his models.  He produces hundreds of boats that he either gives away or donates to fundraising events.

Ship name added with permanent marker.

Just wind up the rubber band-propelled paddle ( no batteries required ).

Needless to say, I had to test the floatability before sending it off to Mack.  Yes, Julie and Jeremy, Mack will be the envy of all his friends when he floats his boat down the mighty Mississip!  I thought it looked rather lonely without a captain, so meet Captain Monkacek ( pronounced monk-a-check ).  In honor of the maker and recipient, a Polish name seemed only fitting.

He's off!  It really works. 

Just look at him go!


Hey, get back here!  Don't make me come after you!  Eww, look at those weeds.

Rescue 911 called into action.


  1. Hahahaha. ;) Mom, that was hilarious. Great photos. Hehehe. Did you take those last night? Can't wait til Jeremy gets home, so I can show him. Hehehehe.

  2. HYSTERICAL! Monkachek, lol Love this!!! Fun post to read on a nice Sunday afternoon!:)

  3. Yes, I took the pictures at a secluded cove on O'Reilly Lake where nobody could watch me make an _ _ _ out of myself. Well, except for Dad, but he sees that on a daily basis.

  4. hee hee hee! Reminds me of a boating excursion DB & R made a couple of weeks ago! :)


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