
Friday, June 10, 2011

My Container Store

Why buy new storage containers when there are so many old things you can repurpose to suit your storage needs?  I confess, I do love my large plastic totes for storing seasonal items in the basement and garage, but, exposed storage for our main living areas.......not so much.

Before I go to an estate sale, I usually ask Julie and Megan if there is anything in particular they would like me to look for.  Items on Julie's list:  the ever elusive farmhouse dining table, and wine crates.  Never give up the search.  Just when you think you will never find what you are looking for, there it is!  Don't get too excited, Julie, it's not the table, but I did find these last weekend.......

While these are not exactly wine crates, I think they have the same look and feel.  Once I purchased them, I, of course, had to "Google image" vintage wine crates to see what creative folks have used them for.  Here are a few of the ideas I found.

Maybe Jeremy can rig something up something like this in your kitchen island.

Clever storage in baby's room.

Temptation for crawling babies.  Adults only rating.

Pretty buffet setting.

Next up is an item I found last winter for only $3.00!!  

A vintage collapsible shopping cart.

It was too good a bargain to pass up!  I knew somebody would find a use for it, so I bought it and shoved it in the back of a closet for a few months.  When Julie was decorating her nursery, I pulled it out and decided it would make a cute toy caddy if it had a fabric lining.  This is how it sat untouched in our dining room for weeks.
By the end of the day, I only have enough functioning brain cells to work on mindless projects, and this one just required too much thinking!  Julie was getting very close to her due date, so that was the motivation I needed to finally get it done.

I'm not sure if she is actually using it in the nursery, but it could be used for all kinds of things:  laundry, gift wrap holder, etc.  Although, I'm picturing her kiddies giving each other rides down the sidewalk.  :@

Last, but not least, a magazine cart.....

Just think of the possibilities!

It even has slots for names or whatever.

These are the items currently in stock at the 911 Container Store.

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  1. Mom, I am most definitely using it! It is our laundry hamper in the nursery right now...and I am sure it will be a homeless cart when the kiddies get old enough. :) Comes in VERY handy right now.

    AWESOME wine crates! Wow! Super cool! Thanks!

  2. I don't know if I enjoyed your post more, or the heartwarming, on the spot responce just above my comment from your daughter. My favorite way you showed to use the crates is the bathroom one. The cool white with the rough texture is awesome. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. have fun we have the same cart...but you got a better deal than me!!! mine was 15...cute!!!! liner!


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