
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Love Potion No.911

One month of nasal congestion.  One week of non-stop coughing.  One bottle of Nyquil.  One bottle of Robitussin DM.  Six extra-large boxes of kleenex.  Irritating people for miles around with my annoying cough.  It's time to stop the over-the-counter home remedies and see a doctor!

I've taken the first two doses and I'm impatiently waiting for the magic to begin.  ( I just hope the real culprit isn't the dust accumulating on our Christmas tree!  I conveniently chose not to mention this possibility to my doctor.)

There is a silver lining to this whole fiasco.  I'm well on my way to washboard abs from all that coughing!

Or a hernia. 

As long as we're on the subject of medication, here's a before and after of a medicine cabinet I picked up a few weeks ago.  I knew it didn't need much work, since I already liked the color for the spot I had in mind.

Very simple construction and nice distressed finish.

Cute little latch.......that actually works!  I just scraped off the paint with a good kitchen utility knife.

I like aged mirrors, but this was a bit much for me.


Basically, I just cleaned and disinfected the interior and,  forgive me,  removed the silvering from the mirror.  I soaked the mirror in hot water and scraped the silver off with a putty knife.  I removed the stubborn residue with my ceramic stovetop cleaner and was rewarded with a flawless piece of beveled glass.  I mounted the cabinet on the kitchen wall where a framed calendar once hung.

I filled it with Santa mugs that are missing their original paint.

TJ Maxx discount coffee canister I picked up years ago.

And this one-eyebrowed cranky looking fella.  He's mad because he's missing his salt and pepper shakers AND somebody just dropped his adorable hat and broke it into a million pieces.  :{

The good thing is that now he fits on the shelf.

I filled in the empty spots with 2 cream colored pitchers I just picked up this week had in my stash.  Shhhh.

This cutwork tea towel is hanging from a piece of twine strung through the mounting brackets.

This is temporary until I get supplies to mount a towel bar to the bottom of the cabinet.

And that's it.  A quick and easy makeover for my first project of 2012!

Have a (cough, cough) good (sniffle) weekend!


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  1. Hope you get feeling better that cold/ flu thing knocked me out for sometime.. it took forever to feel better.
    Love the re-do my color! Hugs, Diane

  2. this is the sweetest thing! feel better soon, vickie:)

  3. Well, that is just CUTE! I love the pitchers you've had forever, too. :)
    I hope you fell better soon!

  4. Vicki,
    soooo sorry you're feeling under the weather!! Hope you're better soooon! You know we like a lot of the same things, right, welllll, I have almost that exact little cabinet, same color, same size, except no shelves! I haven't hung it up, but seeing yours makes me want to find a spot! Love it!

  5. Hope the medicine grabs in quickly, Vickie! Your project is really charming...I love the cabinet and everything in it!

  6. Super cute Mom! Hmm, you'll have to let me in on the price for that ... I saw a cute white one at our antique store in town ... but never even thought of doing something like that with it!

    Feel better (I think I'm picking up Finley's new sickness...just in time for X-Mas Part II.)


  7. Oh no! You guys better not infect our healthy fam! ;) Cute, mom! Just realized NEXT WEEKEND is Christmas! Ahhhh! Must Go Shopping.

  8. cute. What did you do with that awesome mirror????

    barbara jean

  9. I love this! What a beautiful soft color that looks perfect with your wall color! I'm your newest fan!

  10. Fabulous! It turned out so well -- I like the plain glass better than the mirror anyway!
    (popping in from Knick of Time!)

  11. So charming~ thank you for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday!

  12. I am experiencing major envy. The color is perfect. The items you filled it with were made to go there. Love it!

  13. That is SOOO cute! I almost bought one just like that this week, except it was chippy white. I like your green one MUCH better! Very cute with all the white dishes in it.


  14. He never liked his little hat anyway....



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