
Thursday, February 23, 2012


Last week at work we were given the opportunity to participate in an online personality evaluation.  After answering a number of questions about our personality traits, we were categorized into color groups.

I am a gold.

The survey says I live by the motto, "A place for everything and everything in its place."  Our daughters can surely attest to that.  I'm also a rule follower.  True.  I always return my shopping cart to the cart corral.  I'm organized, dependable, punctual, blah, blah, blah.  Okay.

Now for the part that wasn't quite so flattering.

How others perceive me.....




Boy they sure don't sugarcoat it!

  They really hit the nail on the head with this one.....

Lags behind in technology!!!!

How do they know this stuff ?!
( And what else do they know about me? )

They are rightI don't have a Facebook account.  My decade old cell phone doesn't twitter.  Well, not that I know of.  No texting.  No Kindle.  And most importantly no Pinterest account!!!!

That's it.  Time for a change.  Rigid!  Set in my ways!  Afraid of change!   I'll show them!

I took the bull by the horns and set up a Facebook page.  Yes.  I.  Did.  It's now floating around in cyberspace and  I don't care!  I never wanted one in the first place.  I only set it up so I could open a Pinterest account!

  • Open Facebook page.  Check.
  • Start Pinterest account.  Check.

As we all know, Google Friend Connect will soon be history.  So, I joined Linky followers and added it to my sidebar if you'd like to follow me that way.
  • Add Linky widget to blog.  Check.

April 19 will be a sad day for many bloggers, myself included.  Picnik free photo editing will be history.  Gone.  Finito.  I'm sorry to say, I haven't found another easy-to-navigate, free, photo editing program, so I can't check this item off my list.  I'm hoping a tech savvy blogger ( probably a Blue personality ) will help us all out and blog about a wonderful new photo editing site they've found!

Now, I will say, this survey wasn't completely accurate.  It said I was frugal.  I guess that's true in some cases.  It also said I have a tendency to drive under the speed limit.  I only know of 3 people in the whole universe who drive under the speed limit and I'm not one of them....... unless, of course, I happen to see this....

or this......

( All images with the exception of sunflower photo courtesy of Google Images )

In the end, I feel I've grown immensely as a result of participating in this personality evaluation.  Oh yes,  I'm happy to say, I'm no longer the rigid, controlling, bossy person I once was.  Well, gotta go.  My cell phone is honking, I mean tooting, or is it tweeting?  Whatever.


No longer afraid of change,

One more thing.
Julie and Megan, you can now remove this from your Pinterest boards.


  1. Hahahaha. ;) That is really funny! I wanna take the test! Can you take it online? I KNOW I have some of those same traits...but also some of them are quite opposite.

    I think those are very good "Mom Traits." I mean, look how we turned out! ;)

  2. LOL!!!!!

    (I have to find out what color I am. If I discover I am a blue I will come back to help.)

  3. ":o) This was a fun read just before I call it a night. How DO they know those things? Really? I can't remember which color I was when I took a similar test a few years ago, but they nailed it... scary. Good for you for trying something new .. You're going to LOVE Pinterest!

  4. LOL - I must be gold too, because that sounds like me! Even I would describe myself as bossy, controlling and rigid!

    I'm not tech - savvy either. I only learn it if I have to. My husband brought me a phone that does everything but cook dinner and I told him to take it back and get me a phone like he'd buy his grandmother - one that only makes phone calls and has really big numbers I can read!

    Good for you for making some changes!!!


  5. Welcome to the tech world we live in. I have been using for photo editing. It's not as wonderful as Picnic but it is easy and free.

  6. funny! i have a pinterest only fb page, too:)

  7. Oh, how funny! I'm linky following you now~glad you put it up.
    I somehow was able to join Pinterest without a Facebook account. I'm not sure how I did it, but I did!

  8. LOL I don't think I want to take that survey.I don't want to know what it would say about me.

  9. Ugh...I wouldn't want to take that survey either. I would probably be black. Unreliable. Procrastinator. Moody. ugh. ;0(

    hehe .. I won't be so hard on myself ;0) I'm only those things PART of the time!!!

    I'll call you after work tomorrow MOM!

  10. Vickie,
    you were a brave girl to take that test! Interesting how they seem to hit the nail on the head! Glad you broke down and are going to "pin", there's so much cool stuff! I had my daughter set me up a twitter account so I could get on and have never "twittered" or even been back!
    PS. I've never thought you were bossy, maybe a little opinionated, but never bossy......LOL!

  11. Thanks for my morning laugh!!
    I want to take that quiz...or don't I!?

  12. Ha ha! Good for you on joining Facebook and Pinterest!

  13. You are hilarious! Yes, I only started my Facebook page so I could get a Pinterest account too. Now I actually do use it, but probably not to its fullest extent.

  14. and if they don't have a cart corral we walk all the way back into the store to return it!
    (separated at birth, methinks, except for the punctual part)
    I use Picassa and like it a lot, but then again I don't know anything else.

    I'm still trying to get all the social media things figured out too. We can learn together. ;)

  15. just found you. luv, luv, luv your blog.....just a blast to read and great diys. okay, pretend i'm your mom for a moment/ HOW CAN I SUBSCRIBE VIA EMAIL????

  16. Sad about Picnik as well! Try Picasa...its free and pretty easy to maneuver.


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