
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Easy Crown Molding

There always seems to be that one item that doesn't get finished when you update a room.  In our kitchen it's this.....
It's the top of our pantry cupboard.  I store handy kitchen items like old knobs and hinges in the canisters.  You just never know when a recipe will call for 3 rusty hinges and a vintage glass knob.

We painted it the same color as the kitchen cabinets, added chalkboard panels in the doors, base molding (or moulding if you're British) to the bottom, and changed out the hardware.

I even added cork board panels inside the doors to tack up very important upcoming events.

The only thing missing is a crown. 

It's been bugging me for 4 years, but I knew adding crown molding was beyond my capabilities. 
 I was so excited when a simple solution came in the mail a few weeks ago!

Normally, I quickly skim through and put it in the recycling bin.  But, take a look at idea number 6.

Add character to stock cabinets with pine boards and cove molding!!!!  Silly me.  Until now, I didn't even notice there were complete instructions online!  No use looking now.  I did it my own Ranger way.

I bought a pine board that a Lowe's employee was kind enough to cut to the proper length for me.  The board is 1 1/2 inches deeper than the cupboard and 3 inches wider.

I drilled pilot holes and screwed the board into the top of the cupboard after priming and sanding it.

I was feeling pretty optimistic, so I only bought one 8 foot length of cove molding.  I made four 45 degree miter cuts using only a miter box with a hand saw.  Since I needed 4 hands and only have 2  (I seem to start these projects when I'm home alone) I taped the molding up with painters tape to see if it fit correctly.  I only made one bad cut that was easily fixed and I even have a small piece of molding left over!

I drilled tiny holes where I nailed the trim on with small brad nails.  At this point, I didn't want to risk splitting the wood.  I countersunk the nails and filled the holes with wood filler.  I then filled any small spaces between the trim and cupboard with spackling, sanded it smooth, and applied 2 coats of paint.

There it is.  Faux crown molding.

It looks like it's always been there!

Now it looks like a free-standing piece of furniture.  I calculated that I've even added approximately 52 extra square inches of display space to the top, so I can place even more stuff up there!!!

Hey!  Get down from there right now!!!

I've finally taught them not to jump on the beds, but it looks like we need to have another talk.

Thanks for visiting!

*Find more great ideas at these parties:
The 36th Avenue
Savvy Southern Style Wow Us Wednesday
Miss Mustard Seed Furniture Feature Friday
Funky Junk Interiors Saturday Nite Special


  1. I admire a woman that can hang crown molding!

  2. Good for you! It does look great! I love the chalkboard fronts. hugs, Linda

  3. WOOT!!! Victory! :) Those darn monkeys....always in your way.;)

  4. Look at you! Putting up your own molding! It looks really good. And, I agree. You never know when a recipe might call for hinges and knobs. :)

  5. I am always in awe of your talents...I can't imagine tackling a project like this myself.
    Power tool phobia I guess. In any case, it looks really the cork and chalkboard those guys hanging around your kitchen! :)

  6. You used a miter saw? You are woman I hear you make monkey noises. Roaring is for sissy's.


  7. Wow, mom! Nice!! Impressed. :)

  8. I'm very impressed that you did that all by yourself! Power tools scare me. Ha! I love the new look. I received that same magazine from Lowes and didn't see that. Great idea!

  9. Awesome job Vickie! Those are some naughty little monkeys you have there.


  10. Vickie,
    you are one handy lady! I am in awe of your talents! It looks fabulous! I know curiosity killed the cat, but hopefully not those naughty little monkeys!

  11. I'm impressed with your wood-working skills and what's with the monkeys? Ha, ha, they sure are cute.

  12. Wow, you're a woman of many talents! That turned out great, Vickie :)

  13. wowza! i am inpressed at your mitering and i totally understand your stash hidden in those tins up there...i usually have a paintbrush in my fridge...not very tasty.
    thanks for the suggestion of a collage for my did you do yours?

  14. That looks wonderful, Vickie! And I really do love the monkeys...

  15. Vicki,
    Your cupboard looks complete. And it does look like a free standing cabinet. I actually thought it was. Love the idea of the chalkboard panels and cork board inside!
    Thanks for stopping by, Mary Alice

  16. I love that. I may have to give it a try.

  17. You are getting fancy on us! Love that molding and it doesn't look that hard to make. I guess I could actually use the miter saw if I wanted to drag it out (we bought it 8 years ago to make crown molding for the dining room and have NEVER used it yet).

  18. Vickie,
    That is the perfect finishing touch.You go girl!

  19. Your new moulding looks fabulous....what a cute cabinet that is too!!! Yep, you just never know when you might need a knob for a recipe!!! LOL

  20. How very clever are you! It looks amazing. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  21. What an incredible transformation!!! As I scrolled back up to see the "before", it's just so impressive. Kudos on a great job.
    I also scrolled back to see your daughter's darling Nursery and can see how much the both of you love vintage things.
    Just for fun you may enjoy seeing all the vintage things I put in our Den/Office:

    Have a great weekend,

  22. Wow, fabulous job - what a great look it gives your pantry! Loving the wee shelf at the back door too. Must have a look around while I'm here! :)

  23. Crown molding always makes things look like a million bucks--great job! Cute back door peek, too:)

  24. Are you for hire. Miter cuts are so darn tricky. I get it right about 50% of the time. You did a great job.

  25. Wow what a great addition! And the monkeys are just the perfect whimsical addition! LOL Hugs, Diane

  26. Hello
    Ranger 911
    Amazing blog post as always! I am very glad to see your post, I located what I was in search of here
    Thank you!

  27. Wow Mom! Amazing the difference it makes - I wish I could be as 'handy' as you! ;0)

    I also just read your previous post ... and I am most definitely taking the table + chairs! (I told Dave it's an early inheritance) .. heh heh!

    Perfect for our basement pizza nights!


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