
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This, that, and the other thing.

March is by far my least favorite month of the year.

Cold weather.

Gray skies.

Dirty melting snow.


This was the view in front of our house this morning.

Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a wee bit.  This is actually a view of the world's largest open pit mine about a mile from our house.  A little closer to home, we have a growing body of water covering the sidewalk in front of our house.  During the winter months in northern Minnesota, this is not a good sign.  ( possible broken underground water line )

We may be needing these.

Bill called the city garage yesterday to have them check it out.  I vaguely remember him telling me (when I was still half asleep) to go outside and ask them what the verdict is when they came by today.  But, darn if I wasn't smack dab in the middle of my foxy transformation with a bottle of L'Oreal 5CB!  Now that the deed is done, I think the color is not actually foxy, but more like a black bear.  Anyhoo, I just looked out the window and the water they cleared earlier this morning hasn't returned, so I'll take that as a good sign.

To brighten up our dismal house, I dragged my spring storage bin out of the basement and dusted off a few treasures to display.

I think this is an original watercolor, but I've never had it looked at by an expert.

I've been admiring this lamp for several years, and finally bought it.  It was only $20 and coordinates nicely with the accessories I've picked up for the bedroom that we've spent the last 2 weekends working on!!!  ( It has stood untouched for the last 9 months!  Can you spell  p-r-o-c-r-a-s-t-i-n-a-t-e ?  )

I am quite shameless when it comes to decorating with faux flowers.

These flowers came from Pottery Barn, so they can't be that bad.

There.  A little birdie.  Some gardening books.  Good to go.

Look what came in the mail today!  I'll be spending some quality time visiting with my good friend Martha tonight.

Even Henriheada received a mini-makeover with a $3.00 vintage spring hat.

On second thought, this is just what I need to cover black bear.

Hats off to hairdressers who can perform magic!

This foxy mama.......bear is signing off.

Join the party at:
Common Ground Vintage Inspiration Friday


  1. Hahaha! Don't you love those color surprises? My daughter is going through cosmetology school, and a few short weeks ago, my hair was copper penny red. NOT a good look, It only stayed for about 10 minutes.
    I like your spring stuff!

  2. We live where flowers are sparse in the winter.That is unless you buy them at the store.I have actually started doing this.But alas I do have some faux plants myself and some dried too.

  3. I loved yesterday's weather! Not som much today! There is the weekend!
    I have "faux" flowers too! Maybe it's a Mn thing cause our winters are too long! LOL!

  4. Ah ha ha ha ha ha.... I smiled all the way through that post. Well at everything except the melting snow part. That does suck, hate all the mud and guck that is tracked in at this time of year. I'm also making note to avoide Foxy unless I'm feeling a little wild.


  5. It was SO gorgeous out yesterday, though! I think EVERYONE was outside. And then today. Yuck.

    Cute springy stuff. I think I need some spring decorations....hmmmmm......

  6. I love your spring goodies, Vickie...the flowers are so pretty! I didn't realize you were so far up north! I have have a few color surprises myself...notably a mauve color when I tried to go darker...not good!

  7. Vickie,
    Those are the things I don't miss about living in Green Bay WI!
    Your Spring things are looking good, I'm getting in the mood for change myself! Love Henriheada's spring hat, quite charming!

  8. Are you saying that you might be flooded soon?? NO! I'd help you bail out the water if I lived closer... :(

    That open pit thing looks like a canyon. It's strangely beautiful.

    Stay dry!

  9. I hate trying new hair colors. They always have enticing names and hardly ever evoke that image when I'm done. I am a fan of faux flowers. Less watering.

  10. Your spring touches are wonderful. I'm all for faux flowers, so easy to take care of! And they are made to look so real these days. I have one bouquet that friends actually smell because it looks so real. Works for me!
    Thanks for stopping by, Mary Alice

  11. Henriheada!! Too funny. Love the lamp and the cute shade on it.

  12. Glad to hear that your water problem got fixed. I like your touches of Spring too. Maybe that will help until it officially gets here. Should be soon though! Yesterday we had beautiful sunny weather in the upper 70's. Today is another story though. It's chilly, rainy and cloudy. You just never know this time of year.

  13. Next week: 50's!!! wahoo! (might rain Sat. when you're here though - ugh).

    Uh oh. Do you remember what a 'she-bear' really is? ;0) heh heh.

    See you soon Mama-She-Bear!

  14. Ahh, the open pits of Da'Range. Everyone should have at least one airplane ride in their life to see them from above!! Enjoyed your lovely post.

  15. April is just around the corner, and you're off to a good start with all your springtime decorations ... And, very tastefully done I might add.

    Thanks for the smiles this morning... ":o) Haven't we all had those "Black Bear" moments. Being a blonde (used to be) sometimes my hair came out a little Pink ":o\

  16. I am so ready for spring to be here! I saw hydrangeas and hostas peeking up! Love your are right.....can't go wrong with Pottery Barn :)


  17. I grew up in the mines too..and have seen water collections like this...we were never allowed to swim in them!! march is a good month for a vacation!!
    Happy Sunday!

  18. Nice springy things and your lady wearing her new hat is so cute!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  19. i love reading your posts, black bear:) love the flowers and all!
    have a great week, vickie!

  20. Your gal in her new spring hat is too cute! We've had a lot of rain and gray skies last weekend, but the forecast is looking better and I an SO ready for it! I bought a potted flower plant today, but I'm not great at keeping them alive. If I was smart, I'd buy some fake ones too!

    Angie @ Knick of Time

    Thanks again for helping me with my banner issues - that website was very helpful!!


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