
Friday, April 13, 2012

Curb My Enthusiasm

Ha HA!  Caught your attention didn't I?!  Yup, all you junkers are thinking I've found myself a truck full of freebies.  Not only do I not have a truck, I've yet to come across free curbside treasures in my neck of the woods.  The truck shown on the left was actually borrowed from Google Images.  I'd prefer a more vintage ride myself.  (The aqua piece on top of the pile does look rather promising.)

I'm amazed by all the good stuff my fellow bloggers find in their neighborhoods.

For instance, look what Miss Bliss (Bliss Ranch) found on a country road near her house....

Junk, you say?  Au contraire.....

For a pocket full of change, she turned it into this!

And then there's Rose (Confessions of a Curbshopaholic).  Multitasker that she is, she was driving to work, talking on the phone, doing her nails, grooming her dogs, and planning her next outdoor project when she spotted these.....

A whole boatload, or should I say vanload of old doors!  What, you ask, does she do with this stuff?

Oh, yes.  She is a skilled carpenter and creates furniture for friends.  Did I mention that we've become best friends?  Mmm, hmmm.  I think we made a deal.  50 sock monkeys for a bench like this. :@

So, I've been wondering.  Is there good junk like they've found laying around in my neighborhoodAm I just not looking hard enough?  Now that it's light in the morning when I'm on my way to work, I've made it my mission to  pay  more  attention  to what's on the side of the road. 

 It hasn't even been one week and I've hit pay dirt!!!!

I wasn't really paying attention, just changing radio stations in my car when I spied this from my peripheral vision. Get ready!  Here it comes.....

Do you see them?  Hiding in plain sight behind the dumpster?

Sorry gals, I found them first!  A twofer!!!!

Not just one, but two er....vintage? sofas.  Here I was worrying all day at work that they'd be gone by the time I got home.  Not only were they still there, they were joined by their mattress cousin.  A threefer?


I'm quite taken with this floral pattern.  I've still got 8 boxes of blue canning jars in the garage that will bring out the turquoise flowers in this sofa.  Toss in a few burlap pillows.  A wood pallet coffee table. 
 Yes, lovely indeed.

This pattern really doesn't do a thing for me.  I've seen tutorials for painted upholstery.  Maybe a slipcover.  Or tear all the upholstery and stuffing off and create a piece of outdoor furniture.  If anybody has a pet snake, I might even find him a breakfast mouse in the stuffing. 

Of course I wouldn't touch these if somebody paid me don't have the room in our house for these retro shabby couches, but I'm sure there's a place for them, other than the local dump.

Maybe it's time to turn our garage (formerly a floral shop) into a spot for occasional sales.

What would I call it.   Hmmmm.......

Occasional sales by
The Stinky Sister.

Thanks for joining Friday Morning Coffee Talk.

Stinky Vickie


  1. Vickie,
    You scared me LOL.I did NOT think you were serious about those sofas.Whoa I can see why they were thrown out.Although I have a pretty ugly one it is being disguised as a pretty sofa now.I have found a amazing chandy on the side of the road.And a hutch for my daughters desk.Both free.It really is luck.I don't find stuff often.But when I do it is on garbage day.Or the day before when people throw there junk er stuff out.

  2. Hmmm.....I bet I could probably find some good stuff if I took Mack biking up and down the neighborhood on Tuesday nights (night before trash day). Might have to be our new tradition! ;)

    stinky vickie. hahaha.

  3. Well I think it's a great idea to start an occasional sale out of your garage, I know a few gals out here that do that every other month, but yes the large sofas I think I would have left those behind too.
    Hugs, Diane

  4. Hee hee.... that looks similar to what I would find here. One really should consider a good curbside finds locale when choosing a place to live. :)

  5. Alright for a first timer you did good. You knew to leave them behind! Now your ready to go again. I have hit pay dirt only a few times and I always expected the home owner to come out with a gun.

  6. I'm with you, Stinky Vickie. ;)
    I wouldn't touch them, either! haha
    I'd love to have a garage sale of my own things that are taking up space, but we aren't allowed to. I have put a few things out on recycling day. It's always gone before daybreak. Love it! I'm always glad someone could use it.

  7. Great post. I don't find great free stuff in the trash either. Hmmmm...Maybe that's because I'm the one putting the free stuff on the curb. Come to think of it, I have seen neighbors trash picking from me! Something's wrong with this picture. :-)
    Mary Alice

  8. The sofa fabric is really pretty. Things discarded can always be upcycled for other purposes. Ocassional garage sale will save the earth.

  9. I just watched an episode of The Big Bang Theory the other day where Penny found a chair on the curb and it ended up having a rat in it. Don't you wonder why the people didn't call Goodwill to come get them though. Seems a waste just to throw them away.

  10. Oh you are too funny! Stinky Vickie indeed. You totally got me worrying about what might be in those cushions!
    Now I've been known to grab cushions off roadside couches, but only in better neighborhoods and they have to pass the smell test first. The larger ones make great dog beds. (and you know I need a lot of those with my naughty pack)
    Did you say 50 sock monkeys? hmmm, we may just have a deal.......

  11. No. I don't usually find good stuff by the curb either. You have improved your luck though, I see! It's fun to see what other people can do with someone elses cast-offs though!

  12. you had me going for a minute!! love the part about the breakfast mouse...eeeuwwww

  13. Ha! Love this post!!! Funny stuff...

    Just went back and caught myself back up on your blog. We have been gone on spring break. Looks like you have been doing a far share of shopping.

    Did you ever do anything with that medicine cabinet??

    Anyhoo. Don't know when I am going to post again. We close on the new house in 1 week, move a week later and my camera is in the shop with the loner camera broken too. :( The Homeless Finch is a little out of commission I'd say.

    Had fun reading you stuff. I would KILL for a source like you have for the stained glass windows. Nothing like that around my place.

  14. Well now.... thanks for that shout out on my trash to treasure, my very first "pick". I did eye up a couch that was turned on its side. It was an old sleeper sofa and I spotted the SPRINGS!!!


  15. So funny, Vickie! And I have run across quite a few appropriate curbside items for your occasional sales! LOL!

  16. That's quite a haul for a newbie (?) I never find good stuff in my neighborhood either. But a tend to get a lot of items dropped off by well meaning friends/family. If I want it, I keep it... if not it goes to the curb for someone else to pick up.
    That overflowing van of Rose's? Yep, I'm her phone buddy. I can usually tell when she spies something... she usually starts muttering, and then breathing hard... LOL She gets downright giddy when she finds something. I'm a little worried about a lamp she picked up last week. She described it to me... while she was trying to find a great place to hide it at home. I was like okaayyy. Haven't seen it yet.
    Anyhow, Rose mentioned you the other day, so I thought I'd hop over to say "hi".
    Great score on the sofas... my daughter has been on the hunt for a great vintage couch.

  17. You got me! When you started saying the mason jars would bring out the blue, I was starting to believe...that maybe you had an industrial upholstery cleaner! I do think you might be onto something with the outdoor furniture...


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