
Monday, April 2, 2012

The jig is up and my latest find.

I had no intentions of publishing a new post today, but I wanted to quickly get my "April Fools" post into the archives before my good friend Martha comes a knockin' at my door.  With her lawyer!

So, today I'm sharing with you my latest find and here it is.

As you can see it is an old medical cabinet.

I'm guessing it was used to store small bottles or....... sterilized scalpels?!

There is no hardware for mounting on a wall, and it has little rubber feet.

It has been painted a lovely shade of  Gray Poupon with the original pinkish beige corroded interior left intact, thank you very much.  And the original smell is still there, too.  :@

I do plan to paint it inside and out.  And I'll be very careful not to remove the decal which is on the interior surface of the glass.  Now for the question.  What would you store in this cabinet?  The overall height is only about 13 inches.  There are 2 things I will not use this cabinet for.
  • Scalpels or other instruments of torture.
  • Food 
Suggestions welcome.

Have a great day!

See more vintage finds at:


  1. Vickie,
    Cool find.Do you have a collection of old bottles?Those smaller medicine ones?Or do you have any small boxes or tins with old advertisements on them?Or small little creamer pitchers.Can't wait to see what you decide.

  2. Hmmmmm....a little garage for toy cars for a certain grandson. ;) Hahahaha. I'm sure you will find a creative use for it!

  3. Great find. You did have me going yesterday! Still think your monkeys were cute enough to be in her magazine! Laura

  4. Gosh, I don't know what to use if for. It would depend on what room you put it in I guess. I wonder if the shelves would be tall enough to allow you to store spices in it. Oops! You said no food. Or maybe fingernail polish or makeup. I'm sure you'll come up with something good.

  5. Oh, I thought of one more thing. You could use it for sewing supplies. You'd be able to find your thread easily in it etc. See, if I think about it long enough I'll come up with hundreds of uses!

  6. I really do think it's begging to be used in a bathroom. So if you won't put your scalpels in it (where do you keep them now?), then maybe q-tips, cotton balls and bandaids.

  7. I wish it were mind can I say that. It is the coolest. What a great find. So many little things you can display on those shelves.

  8. Little Limoges boxes, spools of thread, little bottles of buttons, really whatever you have that's small. I'm a new follower.

  9. Anything cute and small would look great in that cabinet. I agree if you have a collection of old medicine bottles it would be VERY cool! Hugs,Linda

  10. I would display my collection of salt and pepper shakers. The suggestion of sewing supplies is interesting. I have an affinity for vintage spools of thread, buttons and the like. They would look sweet too.

    Can't wait to see what you are up too!

  11. Hi Vickie,
    What a great little cabinet, and it will be even cuter when you paint it! I think it would be cute in a bathroom or kitchen for a collection of smaller items maybe.
    Thanks for stopping by, Mary Alice

  12. What a fabulous find! I'm sure you'll have it filled up in no time :O)

  13. Great find! Hah the garage idea!

  14. Hi Vickie! Oh, I love that little cabinet. Now what are you going to do with it?
    I just read your previous post and Yay! Congratulations on begin a feature in the magazine! Oh, you're just going to be so famous and those little monkeys are darling!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  15. Vickie,
    very cool cabinet, can't wait to see it painted and full! I know you'll come up with some cute things to put in it!

  16. I would keep little monkey hats in it.


  17. oh, i like jules mini car garage idea:) this little cabinet is too cute, vickie, no matter how you use it!

  18. Love the car idea... or vintage tomato and strawberry pincushions perhaps? Very, very cute.

  19. Well, that's just COOL!!! I really like that. So~I would probably store old hardware in it, but you have canisters for that. So I don't know. What color are you going to paint it?

  20. You could display those monkeys! (kidding) Haha! I think it's cool that it's got little feet so you don't have to hang it. You're great at display whatever you decide. Bloggers never keep anything the same for long anyway! But it's a great find. Love it!

  21. What a great find! Can't wait to see how you transform it and what you decide to put in it! Love your sock monkeys! Easter Blessings to you and your family, Gail

  22. What a charmer! It is screaming for sweet bottles and wee collectibles.
    Visiting from Knick of Time Tuesday.

  23. It is precious and a great find. Can't wait to see the makeover. Thanks for sharing, Happy Easter, take care and enjoy! Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  24. Hello hello! just found your blog! :)

    Ohh my gosh...this cabinet is soooo fantastic!! What a fabbb find! I adore it!!

    Well for me...I know this is quite specific...but I am a washi tape I would have it stocked full of candy colored washi tape rolls! :)

    Can't wait to see what you do with it!

    Happy Spring!!
    xo Jenny Holiday


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