
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Morning Glory: Man vs. Beast

For some reason, this post from last year is one of my most viewed posts.
I may be jumping the gun, but since we've had an unseasonably warm spring,
I'm going to take a chance and plant my morning glories a bit earlier than usual.  Here's
 a tutorial so you can get yours in the ground this week, too.

Last year's blooms.

"A morning glory at my window satisfies me more
than the metaphysics of books."
-Walt Whitman

*June 2011
Memorial Day has come and gone and so has the threat of Jack Frost nipping our flowers and vegetables.  One of my favorite flowers to plant is the Morning Glory, even though we northerners have to wait until late summer or early fall until the flowers actually bloom.  They are such a pretty sight in the early morning hours and the perfect solution to camouflage ugly chain link fences. Today I will pass on a little trick taught to me by my mother to give your seeds a jump start.

  1. Empty your seed packet onto several layers of wet paper towel.  Pay no attention to the packet directions that instruct you to "nick" the seeds.  Impossible.
  2. Fold the wet paper towel over the seeds and seal in a ziplock bag for several days until they "sprout" just like those taters you've kept in your pantry a few weeks longer than you should.  Now they're ready to plant.
  3. Whatever you do, do not fertilize!  If you do, you will grow humongous leaves and very few flowers.

These are the seeds, not mouse droppings.

Night, night.


Heavenly Blue is my favorite variety and here's a clever way to cover an unsightly utility box.
(Google Images)

July 2011

September 2011

I even added some of the seedlings to a hanging basket.

Mix in some Moonflower seeds for large evening blooms.

Lil' sprouts.

Once you've turned over the soil and planted your sprouts, there's just one thing to worry about.  SQUIRRELS!!  Yes, those cute little varmints love nothing better than freshly turned soil to bury their winter snacks.  Well, maybe they like my pots of flowers better.  They watch me leave for work in the morning ( I see their beady little eyes watching me) and signal their friends to let them know it's time to.....

Par- tay' !!!!
(Photo courtesy of Google Images)

Look out squirrels, this year I am ready to do battle.  I am armed and dangerous!  I've got me a....

Gen-u-ine bobbing head owl!

Not only does he add cottage charm to your garden, he is absolutely guaranteed to protect those seedlings.  You see, the owl ranks higher on the food chain than rabbits and squirrels, so Mr. Hooter, do your stuff! 

Whooooo goes there?

Happy planting!

*Linked to:
Funky Junk Interiors Saturday Nite Special
The Rosegarden in Malevik Saturday Show-off


  1. I love Morning Glories and had several a few years ago. But they took over everything so I didn't replant them. Because they seed so well, they're still coming back even today. Beautiful flower. Wish I had a long fence I could just let them take it over!

  2. Vickie,
    Great post.I too love morning Glories.I am going to give this a try.I too have squirrels.And mine are smarter than yours.I too had a fake owl.I said had because I put it out in our garden where they like to visit.They walked right up to it.Took a sniff and proceeded to make a hole in the ground.

  3. Morning Glories are one of my favourite flowers but I have yet to try them. Perhaps this year! Planting weekend for us too... my new front yard bed is going in as we speak and some of these beauties would be perfect on my trellis fence. Thanks for the tips! (I am hanging a recipe for squirrel stew on my fence to deter the varmints!) :)

  4. i just planted some glories yesterday morning, but, i cheat and bought the ones that are already growing in a pot...too darn impatient! bobbin head owl--what a hoot! fun post, vickie:)

  5. Lovley Post......and fantastic flowers :)
    and do not miss...




    it is FUN :)
    HÃ¥kan ( The Roseman)

  6. Love Morning Glories! I need to remember to plant some soon! Hugs, Linda

  7. gosh they're gorgeous, ...not the "mouse droppings" and I think I have that same squirrely band at my house!

  8. Morning Glories are beautiful for sure....and fun to wake up to!! I have seen fake snakes in gardens but never owls...I had no idea...our squirrels have regular entire family reunions in our yard...thanks for the tip!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  9. Hoooo hooooo. {That was Mack making an owl sound.}

    Wait til you see where we have some beautiful flower baskets. Hehehehehe. ;)

  10. Morning Glories are so pretty. I don't have any. I wonder if they grow in my area. I'll have to check it out. You crack me up with the owl on look out for the squirrels. I have LOADS of them running around my yard. They can be a menace. They have chewed our wood on our front porch! Maybe I need to get an owl too. ha!

  11. Vickie, your morning glories are beautiful! Thanks so much for the tips!

  12. Mr. Hooter is pretty creepy...hope he does the trick! I love morning glories...yours look beautiful on the fence!

  13. Love the morning glories on your fence. I used to have them on my fence in my other home.

  14. OH you are soooo funny!! We're battling mice in the attic, and the MR. has declared war on the varmit(s). The attic is completely booby-trapped now. Let me know if you owl works.

  15. OMG, I so needed this advice about morning glories! I have had zero luck growing them, tho I've had some great foliage. Sprouting some seeds this week. Thank you!

  16. Vicki, your morning glories are gorgeous!
    Mary Alice

  17. Hi Vickie! Oh, your morning glories are so beautiful! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  18. Those are really pretty flowers. Sprouting them first is such a genius idea!
    Those squirrels definitely look sly~I hope the owl works!

  19. Beautiful flowers...I might have to try some this year! Hopefully I can keep the squirrles out of them?!?!? Thanks for the tips too!

  20. Very impressive Morning Glory! I I could plant like them would be a dream. My patio has not much sunlight that blossom is rare. Love seeing yours. Thanks for advice on my wool felt doll. Have put on eyes. Will post details soon.


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