
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Vacation, at last!

I'm on a week of vacation from work.  Bill is working,
 but I had some vacation days to use up, so I figured the middle of June
 would be a good time to work on some projects
and enjoy the sunny weather.


We've had nothing but rain, rain, and more rain.

Some local towns had flash floods which are pretty rare in our area.  We were lucky
that we had heavy rain, but no flooding.  Indoors or out.  But the rain pummelled
my one remaining rose bush and my gigantic mock orange, tree that were
in full bloom.  Here are a few photos of the flowers before the rain.

You've seen a million photos of roses on blogs, but this is my one and only.  Can't beat perfection!

Giant mock orange shrub in full bloom.  The scent is heavenly!

It's probably as old as our 1921 house and forms an arch over the entrance to our back yard.

I cut a few branches to bring indoors.

The aroma is intoxicating......but it does start to smell sort of like old lady perfume after a while. 
As pretty as the flowers are, I could only stand to keep them in the house for a day. 

In honor of my vacation, I hung this old sign near the back door.  The wood car is
a recent find.  It's missing a rear wheel, so I've got it propped up with a piece of wood.
  I'd love to find a wood boat to tie to the top.  Even a new plastic boat would suffice,
 but I haven't been able to find one......yet.

I love old fans, and I'll be sure to hide this one when our son-in-law Jeremy comes to visit.
He thinks they're dangerous and has been known to cut the electrical cords off.
I'll hide the wire cutters, too.  :@

Even though the weather hasn't cooperated with my vacation plans, it's still
been a great week.  I got to spend quality time with both of our grandchildren.
I dug out a new flower bed.  With all the rain we've had, the ground was soft and easy to dig up.
AND I still have 4 days left!

The sun is shining and I have goals to meet.  I plan to prime a bedroom-in-progress
 so we can get it back in use again.  And, weather permitting,  I hope to get
our kayaks out on the lake for the first time this year.

Last year's maiden voyage.

Thanks for visiting and have a great week!

Joining the party at:
Faded Charm White Wednesday


  1. Love that old sign and car and that blooming bush is gorgeous.

  2. Great pictures... I loved your perfect rose, and that beautiful mock orange arch over your gate. Dreamy! I know you'll enjoy every single minute of your vacation.

  3. LOVE the sign and your funky new turquoise & red three-wheeler! I've got a new 3 wheeled car too... more on that next week. Your collections are wonderful... the fan is one I am on a hunt for yet.

    The mock orange is gorgeous the way it arches over the gate... lol on the old lady perfume! Much like my white peonies. At least I'm not WEARING that scent yet. :) Your poor yard has taken a beating this year. Looking forward to the new flower bed reveal. Hope the gnome is keeping things under close watch.

    Good luck with the painting - at least when the weather is rainy it's a bit easier to be indoors!

    Enjoy these last four days!

  4. I love fans too. The sign is great too. Enjoy your vacation!

  5. So, we're not the only ones having bad weather.
    Love that sign and the little car - at least you get to play indoors !

  6. wowza! such a gorgeous and prolific mock orange! i know what you mean about the smell...
    send some rain our way...we are hot and dry!! enjoy your vacation!


  7. Hahahahaha. ;) I laughed outloud about the fan. Hehehehe. Love the pic of the shelf with the fan and truck. :)

    Mack had fun playing under the mock orange arch. :)

  8. i LOVE mock orange and i'm amazed how large it is--ours was a little guy:) it smells wonderful, huh? love your fan vignette, vickie--so cute! enjoy the rest of your vaca!

  9. I'm completely jealous of your mock orange!
    We've had a ton of rain, but it's preferable to the drought of last summer.
    Love your sign and little car.
    Enjoy the rest of your time off and hope you get that kayak out very soon. :)

  10. What a pretty vignette you created there Vickie! I love old fans too and I have one in our guest bedroom. But we don't use it of course. Enjoy your vacation and try not to work too hard!!

  11. I have a mock orange too and just LOVE it. My mother in law gave me a cutting of hers when she moved down here....I'm sure it's 50 yrs old. I love old fashioned shrubbery and flowers!
    Blessings, Lorraine

  12. I absoutely love that sign!!! I'm envious of your kayaks & hope you get to use them!


  13. Hi Vickie, thats a great sign and it goes so well with the fan, old fans are such a collectable aren't they, I saw small wooden booats at the craft store one day, unpainted, you could paint it to look old maybe, I hope you have a great rest of the week

  14. I had forgotten about mock beautiful...I think my yard needs one! Love that little car, and your idea about the boat on top is just too fun! Enjoy your vacation!

  15. Mom - Finley misses you (and Mammy + Papa) already!

    ***Since I didn't comment on your previous post - THANK YOU for the pillows + banner! Love the idea of hanging it above the swing ... never would have thought of that!

    Now if that swing could just hang itself ... (hinthint Dave).


  16. Cute sign and car. Love the flowery bush. Old lady perfume! LOL. Enjoy your vacation! Hope you get to kayak while you're off from work.

  17. That mock orange? bush is so pretty! I can't have smelly flowers in the house either, allergies! Love that sign!
    hugs, Linda

  18. Did you say you are on vacation. I am tired just reading all you are doing. Which sounds very nice indeed.

  19. Vacations are always good (even if it's raining). Sounds like you've got lots of plans too. Sorry for the rain though. That orange bush is so pretty! I wish I could smell it. We don't have those here. That lake looks gorgeous. I think kyacking there would be great as long as there is a breeze. We are DYING with the heat here!

  20. Vickie,
    I hope you are have a wonderful vacation.I wish we had rain here.We are in a drought.

  21. Hi Vicki,
    Your rose is very lovely. Sorry to hear that it has been raining during your vacation. Hope the remaining days are a bit sunnier for you...and hope you get to kayak.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  22. Hi Vicki,

    Hope you had a good vacation even though the weather wasn't the best. Your flowers are beautiful, and your sign and little wood truck make such a cute display.
    Mary Alice

  23. Oh, I hope your weather has improved. Such gorgeous flowers you've got here. :)

  24. Your shrub is so beautiful, especially arching over the gate. Hope you had a nice vacation!

  25. That's a bummer! The least the weather could do is cooperate! Your flowers do look beautiful.
    And I'm so jealous of your little car! It looks so cute with the sign and the cool fan. Hide it for sure! It's too cool to lose it's cord.


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