
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Soup to Nuts

Now that the cold weather is upon us, I actually feel the need to
cook some hearty meals.  This week I made one of our my favorites. 
White chicken chili.  Yum!!  It's not Bill's favorite meal,
but I'm the cook, so I win.

I've also packed away all my summer junk.  Things were looking
mighty bare, so I went shopping in the basement to find some autumn
looking items to prop on my shelves, and here's what I came up with....

Back to school meets the arrival of autumn.

The old crayon tin came from a box of unclaimed freight.

The shoes came from an old Finnish neighbor, now deceased.  How old I'll never know,
because she wouldn't tell anybody her age!  Her birth date wasn't even listed
 on her obituary, but my guess would be close to 100 years old.

  Imagine buttoning your children's shoes every day!

The book page came from a music book
I rescued from a pile of debris just before
they demolished my old grade school.

There are 2 pages for every month.
This page is actually for the month of
October, but the theme and color worked
so here it stays.

I also found an old oak bookcase
door in the debris.  I had a piece of
mirror cut to fit the back and it
now resides in Julie's house.
I wish I had an in when they were
doling out the schoolhouse
clocks and lights!!

This old teddy bear was priced at $3.00 and still he sat in a local antique shop for years before I finally adopted him.  He's quite happy on the shelf next to the cup filled with candy corn.  Oops!  I forgot to take a picture of the metal teacup.  I can't imagine anybody ever drank tea from it, but it's a pretty little cup to use as a candy dish.  Mr. Bear wears a festive orange hat to keep his furry head warm. 

The old wood clock is new to my collection.  An apartment building nearby
has been converted into an antique shop/ art studio and is only open several times
a year.  I went for the first time a few weeks ago and bought this clock for $10.

I think it belongs to my crooked face clock collection.  :@

The coat rack shelf got a new autumn themed look, too.

The large tole tray is the very first tray I bought many years ago and was the start of my collection.
I made the jute net for the brown jug last year, and  I've had
 the wood spools for so long I can't even remember where they came from!

Now our 911 mascot, the squirrel, has a little history.

He's not old.  I bought him at Pottery Barn about 3 years ago and sat him
on top of the piano, where I thought he looked quite handsome.
Then our girls and their husbands came for Thanksgiving and laughed at him.
All four of them agreed that he was vulgar.

You see, he was originally holding a corn cob.
And he had the whole thing in his mouth.
Use your imagination, I'm not going to elaborate any further.

So I put the now vulgar squirrel in the basement where he's been hiding in shame.

Now that I've overcome my fear of power tools, I reenacted a scene from
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre yesterday with a jigsaw.

Ta da!

Mr. Squirrel is now munching on a nut!

Now that I've covered everything from soup to nuts,
 this concludes today's post.  Except for one lingering question.

Do you make your favorite meals even if nobody else in the house likes them?

Thanks for visiting!

Joining the party at:
Mockingbird Hill Cottage A Favorite Thing Saturday
Funky Junk Interiors Saturday Nite Special


  1. Vickie,
    Your fall vignette looks perfect! Love that sweet teddy.And that squirrel story is a hoot! I bet Mr.Squirrel is much happier now too!

  2. I love the shoes and the crayola tin So much! And yes, sometimes I cook things that I love, but that I know others do not and I just try to sing and smile over any complaints.

  3. Of course, the cook gets to choose. If they don't like what I make, they can jolly well cook their own meals (which they do often !).
    Love your fall decorations, so very very you.
    So no before and after on the squirrel huh ?

  4. I absolutely make my favorite meals even if just for me! Love your fall vignettes and I must say the squirrel story cracks me up! Hugs, Linda

  5. Love the shoes and the tray is spectaculer.


  6. its just perfect! I love the way you shop,, from the basement!! How cool is that.My apartment is so small there is no shopping here ,, its a tiny nest for sure! I surely miss being to store different seasons decorations,

  7. I love all of the interesting things you have collected. Love love the clock! What character! The squirrel story -funny! Great vignette!

  8. LOL I love the altered Squirrel he looks much cleaner I am sure! And your Teddy is charming! Hugs, Diane

  9. What a fun autumn collection you've put together! The tole tray is beautiful... it reminds me of my grandma's kitchen where she has them hanging. I'd like to get one sometime... it all looks beautiful. Happy Fall!

  10. Lovely little vignettes my dear and I can't decide which I am most impressed about: your rustic hand tied jute bottle cozy, your wielding of a power tool and thus changing corn to nuts, the fact that there is still some candy corn left, OR that you are cooking!

    You have the most interesting collection of vintage bits... it must be like a little museum in your tickle trunk. [I think Tickle Trunk is a Canadianism... let me know if you need translation]

    Oh, and yes your Finnish neighbour was close to 100 - I went to school with her. ;)

    PS: Every time I decide I want to make my favourite black bean and lime salsa soup Geo asks me not to go to all the trouble... :)

  11. Vickie, you are cracking me up!
    First off, I am outraged that I didn't get that same vulgar squirrel.
    I can just hear what my kids would have said! LOL
    Mr. Teddy...who wouldn't be happy next to a cup of candy corn, I ask you?
    Old baby shoes...I love them and have a few pairs that I will never part with.
    Do I make my favorite meals even if there is a complainer? Yes.
    Complainers know that there is a McDonald's down the road.
    xxx, Tina

  12. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.......


    (Yes I make my fav's, Brawn eats anything).

  13. Was that a fun vignette or what? Every piece has a story. I love how all of those eclectic items came together as a vignette.

  14. Love your vignettes, always have that touch of whimsy that I love! And not everyone has a vulgar squirrel lol! Our schedules are such that often I eat alone...and I eat Whatever.I.Want.

  15. The antique shoes are beautiful. I also love that crayon tin. Weird-I love white chile too-but it's not my husbands fave either. Oh well. I really appreciated the sweet comment about my Max. They helped so much. Hope you have a great week!

  16. Wonderful vignettes! I love the tin and of course the page book.
    It's not common here to make vignettes for different seasons and I love watching yours.
    Besos! Silvina
    Oh, funny squirrel story...LOL

  17. Your Fall vignettes are always so charming. Since it's just my husband and me home now, the question for me is do I even cook when I'm not hungry? :-)
    Mary Alice

  18. Love the funny squirrel story! Glad you changed things so he can come out of the basement! Jean

  19. What dirty minds those daughters of yours have! Disgusting! ;)

  20. Ohh I adore your little Fall vignette!! So so sweet! :) Totally made me smile BIG!! :)

    Love from the NJ Shore!

  21. As for favorite meals... it's more like favorite dessert. I LOVE coconut! and Aaron can take it or leave brothers on the other hand, hate it! But yes..I'd still bake a coconut cake! :)

  22. I love everything in your fall vignette, but I am especially drooling over that Crayola tin and the button shoes on top. I love the tin so much I pinned it to my Pinterest page. Great display.

  23. Looks great Vickie...loving all the color!

  24. What an eye for decorating. Fall colors are always my favorite to play with. One cool breeze and I'm ready to start nesting. You have some wonderful things in that basement of yours.

  25. Hi Vickie, I'm coming over from Claudia's and I'm so happy to find you! I am your newest follower because I just love your post. I have a soft spot for old bears. And I see your crooked clock was made here in Connecticut--I think we are the clock capital of the world. Mr. Squirrel looks quite innocent now, and very cute. I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog! Linda

  26. Visiting from Claudia's. Loved the picture story today. Those button shoes and Crayola Tin are treasures. Each item in your vignette(s) were treasures.

  27. VIckie, this is such a great post! I love everything in your vignette. The crayola tin is fabulous. I rescued a doll that had been sitting in an antique shop for a long time. I felt she need a home. So I completely understand feeling the need to rescue teddy.

    The story about the squirrel is a hoot!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Oh your teddy is just so sweet -- I can't imagine him sitting in the shop for years! I'm sure he was happy to go home with you! And the shoes! All I can say is, thank goodness for velcro!
    (Popping over from A Favorite Thing)

  30. Teddy looks like he's been around the block a few times. I'm glad you save him from a life lived out at the antique store or else he may have lived there forever. You have me laughing out loud at your squirrel and his "corn". I bet that was one lively Thanksgiving dinner that year.

  31. Great display-- how fun to "shop" in your own basement!

  32. Hi Vickie, your fall vignette is delightful and the wee shoes are charming. I love the squirrel and the story is too funny. I see you everywhere I visit and am now a follower (I am in Claudia's pary too)
    xo, olive

  33. Chicken chili sounds really yummy. I love the squirrel story. I think the old shoes are my favorite. :)


  34. Wow, such great vintage treasures. It's so nice to change things around for the seasons. And I'm with you, I do make what I like even when I know someone else in my family is not crazy about it.

  35. You crack me up. I am glad you cut him down to size.

  36. Neat old clock - at least it appears to be old and I really like your wooden squirrel!! I believe squirrel is much happier now!

  37. I love your tole tray - would love to see your whole collection of trays. And love the squirrel too. You look all ready for fall!

  38. That's a beautiful vignette, Vickie. Everything looks so lovely together. I think the tilted clockface is my favorite, although the Crayola tin and the tray run a close second. Your story about the squirrel is priceless!!!! As for meals, I have no one I have to please so I get to cook what I like.... even if that means popcorn and a glass of Merlot for supper!


Your comments make it all worthwhile. Thanks for visiting today!