
Monday, May 6, 2013

How to wear a bedspread.

You've probably got images in your head from the
People of Walmart site.  You've seen those photos, haven't you?

If not, just picture yourself crawling out of bed in the morning (or noon as the case may be )
 and heading to the Walmart without changing out of your pj's.
Or combing your hair.
Or brushing your teeth.

Those are the good photos.  :)

So, when is it acceptable to wear a bedspread out in public?

When it's been transformed into a toddler jacket, that's when!

I was in the process of organizing all of my sewing paraphernalia and fabrics when I came across
 the worn-out vintage chenille bedspread I picked up for $4 at a local shop last year.
I'd look a little silly wearing a jacket made from the bedspread,
but it's perfect for a 2 1/2 year old!

 There were 3 floral areas on the bedspread, but this one
was in the best condition.  I arranged my pattern pieces so the design
would be on the front of the jacket.

Here's the pattern I used.

The only change I made to the pattern
 was to round out the collar.

The jacket is lined with pink polka dot flannel.

I chose blue buttons to pick up on the blue squiggle of the pocket.

A dreamy jacket.
Get it?

I haven't made a lined jacket in ages, but this pattern made it easy.
I've even got enough chenille and flannel left over to make
another jacket for granddaughter number two when she's a bit older......
and maybe a pair of pants for moi to wear to Walmart!

Look for me at "The People of Walmart" site.  :)

*I'm joining the parties at:
Cozy Little House Tweak it Tuesday
Savvy Southern Style Wow us Wednesday
Ivy and Elephants What's it Wednesday


  1. Oh my gosh!! I should not be surprised that Miss Finley's jacket is perfectly amazing!! Love the pink lining and blue buttons and the flowers and squiggle are too cute. You have such a good eye! Can't wait to see a pic of #1 in her new togs.

    I imagine you could use some of the 'less cute' portions of the bedspread to make yourself a WalMart Cape. You'd probably be considered overdressed but still make the 'Miss June' title. :D

  2. Haha Vickie, you make me laugh! I love the jacket. I have a tote made from a chenille spread. You are talented!~ Jean

  3. Ha Ha Vickie I agree with Tracy I think a nice cape for you to go to Walmart would be all the rage!!!! You would be a u tube hit!!!! I love this cute little jacket you sewed. It is so adorable. Your granddaughter will be stylin!!! Very cute.

  4. I think it's too too sweet. I nearly bought a box of chenille scraps one day too...kicking self now.

  5. oh my gosh thats funny!!
    What a beautiful jacket! You did such a good job!!
    I made a house coat (robe) from one a while back, theres so much good fabric in these old spreads, you put yours to such good use!

  6. Vickie this jacket is so darn cute!! I wish I had a Grandgirl to wear one! Me , I'm a little old for chenille flowers on my chest!

  7. Vickie...this is just adorable! I didn't read all the other comments but I know someone will want to buy one! You may have a new industry!

  8. So cute, mum! Yes, you should definitely sell these. :)

  9. How darling! You did a wonderful job on this jacket. I bet it looks precious on little one.

    Have a blessed day.


  10. I love chenille and this little jacket is the sweetest little thing!
    I'm literally giddy with anticipation for the premiere of the Walmart pants.

  11. You have made such a lovely jacket, the flowers are so cute. Good luck with yor floor painting. :)

  12. I doubt you would ever see that darling jacket on a site like that Vickie (you should see what I have witnessed people wearing at my local Wally World and it's not pretty). That little jacket is stinkin ADORABLE!!! Cute cute cute!

    xo Danielle

  13. Vickie,
    Is there anything you can't do! That jacket is downright adorable! Looking forward to seeing it on that sweet little one!

  14. Oh Vickie, this little jacket is so ADORABLE!!!! Who could have ever imagined something so cute to be made out of a bedspread. Loving the polk-a-dot lining!
    Mary Alice

  15. So cute! That little jacket is really lovely! You did a great job, and your granddaughter will be so happy wearing it...
    BTW, I had to google People of Walmart to find out what it was, funny...haha.

  16. That is the cutest! You have mad skills!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  17. Your jacket is adorable. And I say "your" because we all know it is really yours and you are passing it off as you granddaughter's. It is absolutely adorable though!

  18. You are so talented. You should be a fashion designer for kid's clothing. This is so adorable! I love it, love it, love it.

  19. Absolutely adorable! And of course you wouldn't want to wear it to'd be overdressed!

  20. Oh DeeDee .. Finley CANNOT WAIT to wear her new jacket! Looks like a sweet little church coat ;0)

    See you in 1 week!!!

  21. That is absolutely adorable. I love everything right down to the cute buttons. I don't know-I 'd consider wearing it! It's so darn cute!

  22. That is just the cutest little sweater ever! I never would have thought to make that out of a chenille bedspread. You are so clever!

    Thank you for the sweet comment on my feature at Old Time Farmhouse. I appreciate your kind words!


  23. This just too darling, I love it!!! Perfection, she will be the best dressed.


  24. Hi Vickie, This is outstanding and just too adorable. Love the polka dot lining.

  25. Vickie you are so talented. Here I am taking a break from trying to sew some cushion covers for my outdoor chairs with straight seams--which should be so simple, and I'm hating it. It's not going well. And then I come here and see this precious outfit. I'm so jealous of your sewing talents! haha. This is so creative.
    Leslie (aka Gwen Moss)

  26. So adorable, love anything chenille and the polka dots inside.

  27. Vicki, you're a hoot!! I haven't heard of the Walmart site but I can only imagine images I prefer not to see! LOL! You sew beautifully and the sweet little jacket is adorable! What a fun project and your little granddaughter looks so sweet in it! And that's an image I DO want to see!!

  28. So darn cute Vicki. But I have to put my foot down about a pair of pants for you to wear to Walmart. They could catch on, everyone would want them, because I think they would be cute too.


  29. That little jacket is absolutely stunning...

  30. I'm quite certain that you will NEVER make it to the People of Walmart site! Sorry, you are just far to classy.

    That jacket is soooo adorable. What a great way to save a beautiful vintage bedspread.


  31. So cute! I love the polka dot contrast!

  32. Why..that's just the cutest bedspread I've ever seen anyone wear ;)

  33. That's adorable! It reminds me of something I would dress a baby doll in when I was a child. It's an adorable jacket for a toddler!

  34. adorable cuteness!! i think the pink dot was the perfect choice for the lining, too! now, i need to go look at that walmart site:) fab post, vickie!

  35. That little jacket is adorable! I LOVE it! You did a fabulous job and made such perfect choices for the lining, buttons, rounded collar .... everything! Your little granddaughter will look so sweet and be so proud to wear it.

  36. Wow, you take a little break from the blog and come back swinging, hitting and knocking it out of the park! The people of walmart could only dream of wearing your creations. Don't you love how kids can rock the coolest things we couldn't dream of getting away with. It's a whole 'nother world of cuteness!

  37. Wow! This is the cutest transformation, upcycle, recycle I've ever seen....!

  38. Oh Vickie...that is THE cutest little jacket I have ever seen!
    You are just so talented!!

  39. This little jacket is very nice and awesome. Thank you for sharing this Information. chenille bathrobes

  40. I would like that jacket and would wear it right now as I sit on the window seat blogging. It is just a tad nippy - enough to wear a jacket. A little chenille number would be preferable to the raggedly sweatshirt I am wearing.

  41. How sweet and adorable is that little jacket!!! Fabulous idea, and your sewing skills are fabulous. Love it!

  42. This little jacket is absolutely adorable, and sewn so beautifully. x

  43. The Jacket is so sweet, the Walmart people sound scary! I like the little peter pan collar you put on the jacket the perfect addition. Make sure you get a great picture of here wearing it. Hope you have a good week, Laura

  44. I looked at the people of Walmart site, I might have nightmares…...

  45. Absolutely adorable! Can you make a big-girl one for me??


  46. This is so dang cute! I can't wait (actually I can) till I can make stuff for a grandbaby! Nice job.

  47. Oh my gosh Vickie, it is absolutely the cutest! I have heard of the Walmart site, but have never seen it. I'd wear a bedspread to Walmart if it was as cute as that!

  48. oh Vickie, where art thou? I've missed you...and I missed this adorable jacket!
    and I want to see your chenille lounge pants. Please tell me that they have squiggle flowers over each back pocket!

  49. SOO cute!! (and you are SO funny! :)

  50. Vickie that is adorable! My daughter had one similar when she was little.And yes she did wear it to walmart ;-)You are so talented!

  51. This is just are so creative!


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