
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Rockin' around the Christmas tree.

I need more Christmas decorating "junk" like I need
an extra 5 pounds around my hips, but does that stop me from
  eating another piece of fudge buying more old junk?

Of course not!

When I spotted this retro transistor radio,
I couldn't pass it up!

Not only is it cute and red, but it was cheap, too!

Ring it up, missy!

Whilst digging in my mystery bins, as I like to call them,
I came across the perfect duo (also made in Japan) to keep the radio company.

I think I bought this leaning Santa dude to use as a tree ornament, but hey,
 it looks to me like he's getting his groove on.  Tapping his chenille booted toe,
snapping his.......oh, my!  I guess the jolly old feller's missing a few digits.

Well, you get what you pay for.  He was only 5 cents!

You can see the original price printed on the base.

Okay, I confess, the paper mache Santa was priced back in the late 40's or early 50's,
but I'm sure I only paid about ten or twenty times that amount.

Is this not the perfect tree for Groovy Santa to rock around?

Also, 5 cents.

I used the Valentine heart insert for my trumeau mirror again
since the color works for Christmas.  Pay no attention to the Swiffer
 hiding under my watermark.  You never know what's going to
show up in a photographed mirror!

I'm dusting and dancing merrily in a new old-fashioned way!

Thanks for stopping by!

*I'm joining the holiday parties at:
Mod Vintage Life Mod Mix Monday
Cozy Little House Tweak it Tuesday
Savvy Southern Style Wow us Wednesday
Ivy and Elephants What's it Wednesday
Common Ground Be Inspired


  1. Cute!! I remember Woolworth's very well. :)

  2. Oh Vickie too cute. What a score on that transistor radio. Ohhhh brings back memories. I remember the Woolworth 5 and dime. Fun memories.

  3. So pretty! I remember when our mom used to take us to Woolworth's after viewing the Christmas windows in downtown Toronto. We loved the treat of getting to sit at the lunch counter (in the early 70's.)

  4. I remember going to Woolworth's with $1 to buy my mother and father each a Christmas present.

    And, I also remember when my grandmother's friend, Mr. Bibler (now I know he had a crush on her) gave my sister and me a transistor radio - over 50 years ago. We thought we were hot stuff.

    Thanks for the memories.

  5. I LOVE that radio!!! And the fact that it was a bargain???? Totally a Christmas gift from Santa!

  6. How cute. They would have come home with me, too.

  7. This is way too cute, Vickie!!!! I can hear the radio playing now!
    Mary Alice

  8. I know how you love your Christmas tunes and that cute transistor radio is so YOU! Very hip! Loving Santa and his tappy chenille boot. Sweet little vignette you've got going on there... and nice of you to play music for the help while he dusts! :)

  9. Vickie what a creative post!! I just love the rockin Santa with the little tree. How cute is that transistor radio?? I had one when I was a little girl and thought I was so cool. LOL Darling Christmas vignette and now I'll be singing that song in my head the rest of the night. LOL
    Don't you just love a Swiffer? LOL I thought I was the only one who took pics with stuff like that in them!!

  10. So cute, Vickie! I haven't seen a transistor radio in years...and red! Love the Santa and the tree, fun the original prices are there!

  11. Oh Vickie! You and your ability to put together so wonderful vignettes!!!
    I love that retro transistor and that Santa... Your buttons heart matches perfectly there.

  12. Your radio is too cool! I hear they have these ipod thingies nowadays that you can listen to music on, but I prefer your old school variety! You can never have too much Christmas junk, you know.

  13. you find the greatest stuff--i haven't thought about a transistor radio in...decades! and it's so cute! the santa, radio, song, are all written into such a cute post, vickie:) and that swiffer, well, i can't tell you how many times i've had to photoshop something out of my pics! have a great week!

  14. Ha ha ha.... Singing Santa who is missing digits! Five cents is a bargain any time of year.

  15. That's my favorite vignette of the season. The radio is awesome-I think I may have had one like that when I was a kid. So cute with the tree and Groovin Santa. Love it!

  16. LOVE the radio! And the tree. So cute! And lovely photos. Can't wait to see it all in person this year! Yay!!!!

  17. You've been a busy girl! I'm snowed in here. Guess I won't be tempted...

  18. I remember having an old transistor radio. Santa and the radio are cool!

  19. Vickie these little items are so cute and make a darling vignette! I remember spending pennies on things a long long time ago!!

  20. Love that rockin Santa. I remember my first transitor radio. I even remember how it smelled.....weird huh. I thought it was the greatest thing even though it hardly picked up any channels. Happy Holidays.

  21. I love this post! That's all I got to say...I love it!
    oh...and your funny!

  22. You are so funny! I remember Woolworth's well and who knew those old felt Christmas decorations would be all the rage today? I love rock'in Santa. He looks like he's having too much fun, and that red transistor radio is a real keeper. Thanks for making me chuckle.

  23. You and "retro" just go together! I love those cute little items in your home. They really are perfect. The old price tags left on them is really something!

  24. Love your lil vintage finds. Have not seen a radio like that for ages. Happy holidays!

  25. Cute vignette. I fondly recall going to Woolworth's-Dear Lord I am old. Happy Christmas.

  26. Vickie, you seriously have the cutest posts! They make my day.

  27. you're so funny. I know what you mean about buying the latest find, but how could you resist that radio? I love it all. I'm such a fan of the old, found objects they add so much charm.

  28. You can never have too much good junk, Vickie! :)
    Love your little radio-so fun!

  29. Stinkin' adorable! I love it that the vintage prices were still attached...never mind that you paid so much more decades later. :)

  30. A girl has to do what a girls has to do and sometimes it is buying things that we love. LOVE the transistor radio. I have my husband's that he received as a gift on his Communion. I love having that.


  31. Love your vintage pieces, Vicky! Oh how I remember the days shopping in Woolworth's with my grandmother shopping and sitting at the counter for lunch! Those were the great days!

  32. You have the best collection of red stuff, Vicki. I love how the prices are still on! Very cool find on that radio. And Woolworth's...that's a name you don't hear much anymore. I need a magnifying glass to see your Swiffer- good reminder to get mine out and do something with it! ;)

  33. I can't pass up cool vintage goods either - or a wonderful piece of Christmas candy or baked good. ;-)

  34. Vickie,
    too cute, has Santa had a bit to much eggnog? That would make for some crazy dancing around that very cool Christmas tree!
    PS. The day we can resist a piece of cool junk will be a very sad day!

  35. Vickie this is a perfect vignette! I have an old radio, big one, that I was thinking about doing my mantle around this Christmas. But I just couldn't muster up the imagination to think it through. Oh well there's always next year!

  36. Love the radio...I remember my dad having one in his dress shirt pocket. I would have bought it too!

  37. I would have grabbed the transistor radio too! Great finds and I'm lovin' the button mirror. Thanks for dropping by my blog just now. I did not realize you are a fellow Minnesotan too! I'm your newest follower.

  38. Cute! Love the vintage sweetness! Charlie

  39. ahhh woolworths - good but kinda odd memories!! love the finds - red and cheap - what better combo is there???


  40. Well, you learn something every day ! I always thought Woolworths was an English store, but seeing all your comments, I had to go and look it up on Wikipedia. It has always felt like a huge part of the British shopping heritage, and it's a sad loss to our high streets, that all the shops have now closed.
    Anyhow, I love your radio and quirky Santa, the pops of red are perfect and your vignette is full of Vickie charm !

  41. Your transistor radio is so cute. I remember buying a similar one when I was young(er). Ha!

  42. That is a cute vignette. I just love that radio and Santa really does look like he's dancing! Can you believe you could buy an ornament for a nickel? Thanks for stopping by!

  43. What cool finds! Love that radio and it works perfectly with your vignette.I do think Santa is diggin that music :-)


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