
Monday, September 14, 2015

You've got to start somewhere.

I hope I didn't mislead you into thinking that I'm no longer on the hunt for vintage treasures
after reading my last post.  Au contraire my dears!  I merely made room for more.  :o)

Now I ask you, how could I possibly resist this slightly disheveled, but charming duo
I found on a recent road trip through Cannon Falls, MN?

Our GPS took us on a roundabout tour of the countryside while looking for the shop,
 but the gorgeous rolling hills, river bluffs, and turkey farm! we viewed along the way
 were worth the extra miles we put on our car.

 My gallery wall has grown with the addition of the shelf  holding my new
penny dolls and the 2 oval bird prints.  Did you notice how quietly I slipped those 3 finds
 into this photo?   Although, those purchases were BB (before reading the book),
so they don't really count.  Right?  Right.

Along with the change in my gallery wall, I removed my red & white pillow covers
 and replaced them with pillow covers I made from reproduction grain sack fabric.
I'd love to add orange pillows for fall, but I've still got
 one of my old red area rugs to contend with.

Now that our piano is gone, I thought I'd finally have the freedom to rearrange
 our living room furniture.  Nope.  As long as the white elephant.....

.....was in the room, nothing was going to change. Ever.

So, after 11 years of trying to make the armoire fit into the room, we emptied it out its vintage contents (big old TV from who knows when and my beloved 1990's Sony stereo)
 and it's in the garage ready to sell.......along with my coffee table that has seen better days and the wobbly pine sofa table that was behind the love seat.  With all that furniture
 out of the room, I'm getting an idea of how I'd like to arrange the room and dreaming
 of the craftsman built-ins I'd like to house our TV and stereo.

  As soon as I win the lottery.

 After dragging the remaining furniture around for pretty much an entire day,
here's the side of the room I like....for now.

There are no words.  Let's have a moment of silence please.

I said silence!
I can hear you laughing!

Don't feel bad, I'm all alone in the 
house laughing out loud.  

Now if this next sight doesn't motivate me to get moving on this room,
nothing will....

There it is in all its glory, my vintage TV.
I was able to stuff my stereo into the bottom right cubby
of the dry sink, but there's a web of cords and wires behind
my entertainment center.  Can I even call it that?

I had a choice.  At first I said, "Out with the television!  I can live without it!",
but as evening rolled around I started panicking about
my daily fix of  trash tv Housewives.

Ugly vs. possible withdrawal symptoms = The look you see above.

So as not to give you nightmares of 1982, I'll leave you with my
Pinspiration for the built-ins I'd like to add to the fireplace wall.
Oh, let's make a wood surround for the brick fireplace while we're at it!


Cozy and storage, too.

Hidden electronics.

As you know, this isn't going to happen overnight, or possibly ever,
but we all have our dreams and that's what keeps us blogging!

Thanks for visiting and keep your dreams alive!


I'm joining the parties at:

Let's Talk Vintage  Bella Rosa Antiques
Share Your Style The Essence of Home
Tweak it Tuesday  Cozy Little House

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Should I stay or should I go?

My 3rd (and final) garage sale is over and I'm a happy camper!

This was my opportunity to clear the junk out of our house, but I was finding it difficult
to let go of vintage treasures and artsy things I've made over the years.

My solution came in the form of this little book passed on to me from our daughters.
I was only into the first chapter of the book when I realized she was talking to me!
Well, my name isn't actually listed in the book, but I knew.

Yes, I have an entire storage room in the basement (not to mention every closet and 
under every bed) dedicated to JUNK I might possibly use for decorating.

Yes, I pick stuff out of our daughter's giveaway piles.  A good rule of thumb
advised by the author is to never, ever let your mother see what you're giving away...hehe.
Oh, Marie Kondo, you know me well!  Our daughter Julie obviously read the book
before  she "tidied up" (smart girl), but Megan had already sent her stuff my way
before her life-changing experience of reading the book.  Tsk, tsk.  Enabler.

Yes, I hang onto things because I paid way too much and it kills me
to sell it for a fraction of the cost or give it away.  Marie (we're on a first name basis now)
encouraged me to give the item in question a big hug, say thanks for the joy you've given me,
and hasta la vista, baby!

Yes, I'm hoarding things I've spent a lifetime creating (stained glass windows,
hand painted items, needlework, etc.) that I myself no longer care to use in my home,
nor do any family members.

Yes, yes, yes already!  I get it!  I have a problem and it's time to change my ways.

 First up, our old upright piano collecting dust in the corner of our living room.

The problem was finding somebody to move it halfway across the state
 who wouldn't charge us an arm and a leg and would deliver the piano in one piece.

I have to hand it to Bill for finding a budget piano mover.  I caressed the ivories one last time
 and sent it on its merry way.....with hardly any damage at all.  None to the piano,
 but one of our porch railings mysteriously fell off.  Hmmmm.  I see tire tracks right up to the...
Never mind.  You get what you pay for, and we didn't pay much.  :o)

Next on the agenda was our garage filled with mostly my vintage finds,
hand painted items, and creations that are no longer my cup of tea.

Going to the chapel.

Time to light somebody else's fire.

Peace be with you.

 Don't cry.  Soon you'll have a new home.

How much are those doggies in the window?
Name your price!

This vintage coat is just my style and fit me to perfection, but unfortunately
 I was scratching myself like a flea ridden mongrel after trying it on one last time.
  Wool is not my friend.

I'm happy to say my garage sale was a success and every single thing is gone! 
Thanks for the help Mom!
(As much as I abhor holding garage sales, I did have a wee bit o' fun staging the junk.)
Let me tell you, after reading Marie Kondo's book, I am cured!
 I will never again buy old junk I don't need and I most certainly won't buy the crap for our girls.
*You are very welcome Dave and Jeremy (junk hating son-in-laws).

No curbside finds will find their way into my car either. 

This particular gem was delivered across state a few years ago by yours truly,
and then home again home again jiggety-jig, only to be plunked in the alley with a free sign.
And then it rained.  Twice.

I may actually have to pay cash to deliver this freebie to the dump!!!
Lesson learned.

The inspector has checked the post garage sale state of affairs,
 and it seems I may have forgotten to place one small item in the sale...

Hey!  One never knows when we'll be in need of a party animal!
Oh, and my fellow Minnesotans, don't forget about Junk Bonanza Sept. 24-26!

Perhaps I should read the book again.

My name is Vickie and I'm a recovering junkaholic. 

 SOLD, SOLD, and SOLD!!!

*I'm joining the parties at: 
Sundays at Home  Thoughts from Alice
Tweak it Tuesday  Cozy Little House
Share Your Style The Essence of Home
Share Your Cup Thursday  Have a Daily Cup of Mrs.Olson