
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Should I stay or should I go?

My 3rd (and final) garage sale is over and I'm a happy camper!

This was my opportunity to clear the junk out of our house, but I was finding it difficult
to let go of vintage treasures and artsy things I've made over the years.

My solution came in the form of this little book passed on to me from our daughters.
I was only into the first chapter of the book when I realized she was talking to me!
Well, my name isn't actually listed in the book, but I knew.

Yes, I have an entire storage room in the basement (not to mention every closet and 
under every bed) dedicated to JUNK I might possibly use for decorating.

Yes, I pick stuff out of our daughter's giveaway piles.  A good rule of thumb
advised by the author is to never, ever let your mother see what you're giving away...hehe.
Oh, Marie Kondo, you know me well!  Our daughter Julie obviously read the book
before  she "tidied up" (smart girl), but Megan had already sent her stuff my way
before her life-changing experience of reading the book.  Tsk, tsk.  Enabler.

Yes, I hang onto things because I paid way too much and it kills me
to sell it for a fraction of the cost or give it away.  Marie (we're on a first name basis now)
encouraged me to give the item in question a big hug, say thanks for the joy you've given me,
and hasta la vista, baby!

Yes, I'm hoarding things I've spent a lifetime creating (stained glass windows,
hand painted items, needlework, etc.) that I myself no longer care to use in my home,
nor do any family members.

Yes, yes, yes already!  I get it!  I have a problem and it's time to change my ways.

 First up, our old upright piano collecting dust in the corner of our living room.

The problem was finding somebody to move it halfway across the state
 who wouldn't charge us an arm and a leg and would deliver the piano in one piece.

I have to hand it to Bill for finding a budget piano mover.  I caressed the ivories one last time
 and sent it on its merry way.....with hardly any damage at all.  None to the piano,
 but one of our porch railings mysteriously fell off.  Hmmmm.  I see tire tracks right up to the...
Never mind.  You get what you pay for, and we didn't pay much.  :o)

Next on the agenda was our garage filled with mostly my vintage finds,
hand painted items, and creations that are no longer my cup of tea.

Going to the chapel.

Time to light somebody else's fire.

Peace be with you.

 Don't cry.  Soon you'll have a new home.

How much are those doggies in the window?
Name your price!

This vintage coat is just my style and fit me to perfection, but unfortunately
 I was scratching myself like a flea ridden mongrel after trying it on one last time.
  Wool is not my friend.

I'm happy to say my garage sale was a success and every single thing is gone! 
Thanks for the help Mom!
(As much as I abhor holding garage sales, I did have a wee bit o' fun staging the junk.)
Let me tell you, after reading Marie Kondo's book, I am cured!
 I will never again buy old junk I don't need and I most certainly won't buy the crap for our girls.
*You are very welcome Dave and Jeremy (junk hating son-in-laws).

No curbside finds will find their way into my car either. 

This particular gem was delivered across state a few years ago by yours truly,
and then home again home again jiggety-jig, only to be plunked in the alley with a free sign.
And then it rained.  Twice.

I may actually have to pay cash to deliver this freebie to the dump!!!
Lesson learned.

The inspector has checked the post garage sale state of affairs,
 and it seems I may have forgotten to place one small item in the sale...

Hey!  One never knows when we'll be in need of a party animal!
Oh, and my fellow Minnesotans, don't forget about Junk Bonanza Sept. 24-26!

Perhaps I should read the book again.

My name is Vickie and I'm a recovering junkaholic. 

 SOLD, SOLD, and SOLD!!!

*I'm joining the parties at: 
Sundays at Home  Thoughts from Alice
Tweak it Tuesday  Cozy Little House
Share Your Style The Essence of Home
Share Your Cup Thursday  Have a Daily Cup of Mrs.Olson


  1. Oh my gosh, you had me at the title...singing the guitar part, lol. I NEED that book. We are gearing up for another community yard sale, and I think I have a match for every example you've shown - including the sons-in-law and daughters. LOL titles for the items're funny - and richer! Wish I could come for Junk Bonanza. They sell Bloody Marys there, I think. But that would induce more junk toting....we are all crazy.

  2. Hi Vicki,
    Soooooo inspiring. I have been going through my storage closets of late and getting rid of stuff too. My motto is if you forgot about it or it has not seen the light of day after a year's time it has to go! I gave my daughters a lot of PDPS meaning Pre Dead People Stuff!!!! They laughed when I told them what that meant in blog land. If we have to sell soon I feel getting stuff cleaned out now will be less overwhelming later. As much as you are attached to your Junk you have to admit it does feel good to get rid of stuff!!!! Have a great week end.

  3. Hi Vickie,
    I loved Marie Kondo's little book too and have really been trying to practice her method of decluttering and organizing...asking "Does this spark joy?. If not, out it goes. It feels so freeing to have fewer things to worry about and care for. I laughed as I read your post hard for those of us who love to go to flea markets and repurpose "junk". I did a post on the book in April...yours is funnier! Happy decluttering,

  4. Haven't read that book...I am having a garage sale on Thursday & Friday!!! Don't think I'm going to the JB...are you coming down for it? Maybe we could meet???

  5. Oh my, I've been trying to let go of stuff and it is hard. I like the freedom afterward, though. You have some cute stuff. I'm glad I don't live in Minnesota. ;)

  6. I guess I need to read that book! Congrats!

  7. I never read the book, but I'm so tired of switching stuff out, dusting it, and moving it to dust under it. I started purging this year and I find it very freeing. I'm no longer hitting the consignment shops or antique stores. As I near retirement I don't want to spend my time with 'stuff'. Congratulations on your new found freedom!

  8. Way to go and thanks for the chuckle! I saw on Instagram that there is a new series on this book. You're way ahead. I am currently gathering for a garage sale.

  9. I am so proud of you - and this post was so inspiring! As you know, I've been slowly getting rid of stuff. But I definitely need to step it up and get rid of a lot more. A big portion of my basement is also storage home to all my decorating stuff, and it's getting out of control because I've used up all the space on shelving units and now crap is all over the floors, too. I've been wanting to read this book and I just checked online to see if the little library by my house has it. It does! Guess where I'm going on Tuesday?!

  10. As usual, I'm giggling or lol throughout your entire post! No, I'm not a hoarder...I seem to be able to let things go for about any price, especially if I've used them for several years. But I have good friends who would share your sentiments exactly. Glad your cured...for awhile at least.
    Mary Alice

  11. When I saw your post title, I thought you were debating whether to stop blogging! Glad to see it is what it is :).

    I don't hoard I'm happy to say. Maybe I would if I had a lot of storage, but alas, I don't so I am very picky about what I bring into our home.

    I've heard nothing but good things about that book!

  12. Wow, I think I may need to buy that book. I am trying to get ready for a yard sale next weekend but I keeping talking myself out of it. But it's pretty much the last weekend that will be good for a sale so I think I'll just close my eyes and sell all the crap!

  13. We went through the craft room last December (Gosh! That long ago!?!) As we decided if we needed it or not, we though: "but I spent $$ on that!!!" Well...So what??? We aren't using it, and it is going! We can lament it all we want, but that still doesn't mean we're going to use it! So, away it goes!

    And, wonderful things began to happen.

    My wife got two job interviews (neither offered a job, but she had been applying for the last 4 years, and I think she got a total of 5 interviews!). We got a little discouraged, so we decided to just buy a house and settle down already! Then, a full-time position became available where she was working as an adjunct. We got the house; she got the that order. We moved in two days ago. It's chaotic, and we're working on getting our new house in order. (We had to bring that heap of stuff we were getting rid of. We now live in a town, not in a rural location, and I think our chances of getting rid of more stuff increased — and we have an actual garage. I will work out there to price and display soon, when it gets a little cooler (in NC).

    I believe that by lightening our load and changing our mindset, opportunities presented themselves. Now, the same might happen for you. Things can sometimes be heavy and burdensome, and by letting some of the stuff go, lighter things (maybe intangible) enter, like a new job, a new home, etc. And, we are tired and happy.

    The kitchen is still a clutter-mess, but it's time to make dinner. I planned ahead and made lasagna and froze it for just when we're too tired to even think about what's for dinner. Maybe for the next 2 days, too!

  14. Isn't it funny how we spend 1/3 of our live accumulating things that we want to be rid of in another third ( the first third is wishing we could get to the second and we never knew what we had then! :)

  15. I just finished her book and loaned it to my daughter. I really appreciated the Gratitude component. I'm going to start on clothing tomorrow... Barbara

  16. Vickie, you're too cute! I need to read that book, but do I really want to? lol! I definitely am a junkaholic, but the hunt is so much fun! You know you're bad when the door bell rings and it's a neighbor with little doo dads of brass from her kitchen cabinets. She says, "I am painting my cupboards. I put these in the dishwasher and they came out rusty. I thought that you would do something wonderful with them." Needless to say they now hang from a chandelier under my pergola. Good for you girl!

  17. oh Vickie, darn it, I've been putting off reading this book, but it sounds like it's just what I need. I have a whole storage room loaded. This is my winter project...get rid of it! love the flea scratching visual, te he! good job, we're all patting you on the back and secretly jealous of your fortitude!

  18. I want that dresser!!!!! LOL it actually is exactly what I've been searching for. Oh well, another man's junk so they say.

    I'm happy that you're happy you've reformed. :)

  19. I just heard about this book, so its super fun to hear how someone in a similar situation to my own is adapting. Thanks for sharing.

  20. I love this post, Vickie! I am reading this book, too, and it has really helped me get rid of stuff, as well as getting organized, too. I am still in the middle of doing it, but it makes me so aware of what I choose to buy or keep now. So glad your sale went well! You sure had hot weather for yours, too. At the end of ours, we donated the rest of the small stuff and put the big stuff out on the curb with a free sign...two days later everything was gone. I am enjoying getting rid of things and tidying up! Enjoy this beautiful day!

  21. My name is Kari, and I'm a junkaholic.....

  22. Happy to hear your last garage sale went well. Oh but why, oh why must letting go of stuff be so hard? Hee, hee, hee. Happy new week my dear friend.


  23. Oh, you are TOO funny! I can totally relate to this post though. I have way too much stuff in our basement. I don't part with it easily either. i know I have gotten rid of things with regret in the past. So I'm often afraid of repeating that. I hate holding garage sales too. They are ALOT of work! I'm afraid I need to go down into our dark basement and remove some more things too. I will try to remember what you said that the book taught you.

  24. My name is Magali and I'm a junkaholic, but I want to be better.

  25. Congratulations Vickie... looks like you are on the road to Recovery, I'm not sure I'm ready to read that book just yet!But I have been working towards purging things...

  26. Hi Vickie, this post just spoke to me!! LOL I've been purging and going through my stuff too. I have a store room right next to my studio and it gets dumped on all the time. I clean it out and before you know it, it's a big mess again. Even for one that likes things organized,my prop closet over flows. LOL
    So happy for you to be reformed. Have a great week. cm

  27. I'm afraid to read that book LOL I have so much crap that I actually built an entire shed out back to hold it. And I have a big pile of stuff I've been meaning to sell on Etsy in my office, but I haven't gotten around to it. Bad, bad rue...

    Good for you though! It's tough to let go.


  28. I'm a junkoholic! I'm a junkaholic. I cannot walk into my garage or down in the dungeon! There is no place to put one more dish, or one more piece of furniture. I've had enough! I am listing on craigs list. local on-line facebook shops, vintage yard sale in Oct to get rid of this so maybe this year, after many, we are able to get our car back in the garage. I think I need to get the book. Pat on the back to you!

  29. ...Junk Bonanza? Something I definitely didn't need to know about after missing Gold Rush Days in Oronoco. Spouse is vetoing on the basis of not wanting to go to the Cities. Oh well.

  30. I have been hearing about the book and avoiding it. But, I had to move a few things in the attic for the electrician to hang our pendant lights and I am recognizing that I have a problem.

    Good for you for moving on and ridding yourself of "stuff".

  31. All I got to say is...I NEED THAT BOOK! Good for you!

  32. Tidying quote my dad, "Just pull up a dumpster when I am gone." And we did have to---my mom was the worst. But, she had a great eye for good stuff, and now I have to deal with it. Fun read, but I think I am in the middle of my own 12-step program....letting go CAN be fun and the 'things' may find their way to a 'rightful' owner who can appreciate and use them. LOVE your post...but I am going to avoid that book. Dealing with Grannys' treasures, Sandi

  33. Loved reading through your junks story. I feel like Marie is speaking directly to me through most of the book, too. More and more I'm becoming okay with the idea of getting rid of most everything in my life. I can't wait until I'm able to say that I have only the things I need and love. Thanks so much for commenting on blog on Sunday. So excited to have you following along! Jamie | anderson + grant

  34. Marie better send you a thank you for her book sales doubling!

    DOES IT SPARK JOY? :) I think it all the time now. And usually my answer is NO. And if it is a "yes...with a head tilt" that means NO as well. ;)

    Now 2 full evenings without kids....with a husband to "help." How much can we get rid of!!!!

    THANK YOU Gramma and Grampa for taking the kids for a northern adventure. :)

    And I love the comment about how when you get rid of "stuff" it makes more room in your mind and life for other non-tangible items to present themselves. :) I agree. It is much easier to be present in the moment when you don't have "stuff" crowding your mind.

  35. I don't know why, but I'm not sure I believe all your proclamations about being cured of junk collecting. I, too, claim to be cured, but on Monday I purchased three bird figurines that I absolutely do not need (probably Royal Copley) from a little shop in central Illinois. They "spoke" to me, don't you know (or should I say twittered?). Plus the shop is only open one or two weekends a year, and the owner gave me a good price . . . and all this does not justify it. Sigh.

  36. Oh mercy me! Yes, a clean out is needed here, too! This book may have to go from blogger to blogger like the "sisterhood of the traveling pants! " LOL.

  37. I adore Marie Kondo and I did follow her good advice and rearranged the whole house. The problem is that I now hear her voice in my head every time I go shopping: Do you really need that? Will it bring you joy?

  38. Wait that book really works? It made you want to get rid of stuff, plus you then DID? Oh Lordy, I think I should read it but I'm scared to be on a first name basis with Marie.

  39. I haven't read her book yet, but I am doing pretty well on my own.

    I have a new rule - nothing new is coming into this house unless it's a gift. Oh, wait! Do I have to count the weather vane topped with a whale that I just bought online this week?

    What I'm doing is doing a weekly visit to the attic and a weekly trip to Goodwill. That's helping with the clutter. And for the most part, I'm not buying anything for the house. And, I am gifting things to friends and family. My daughter's Easter basket was a cut glass salad bowl that is gorgeous, but I never use it and I know she will.

    And yes, Rufus and Barkley must stay.


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