
Sunday, March 6, 2016

x's and o's.

Somebody in our house was famous for crossing the days off his calendar 
with big fat x's at the end of a work day........before retirement, that is.
  I do believe the x's have now been replaced with smiley faces.  :o)

By the time I get home from work, throw some food on the table,
and clean the kitchen, I'm about ready to drop.  Since I've been working more
than I usually do, I'm pushing myself to do something productive at home and
crank out one or two of these each evening......

I did it.
I finally learned how to crochet!

The owner of the yarn shop where I joined a knitting group
volunteered to teach us how to crochet a granny square.

I was the only one who did not go home with a finished square that night.
"If everybody's done with the first color, pass your yarn to the right."
Wait for me!! Did I mention I'm a slow learner?  
I was feeling a bit like a failure until the graduates confessed that they've all crocheted before.

I was not about to be thwarted by a simple granny square, so I watched
Youtube videos and eventually produced my first square to bring along with me
 to what I now refer to as Tuesday night group therapy.

Ta da!

That little square above got my crochet juices flowing
and prompted me to try my hand at a full-blown granny square afghan.

Since it's highly likely my blogging days will be over long before I finish
said afghan, Norwegian blogger Solveig of the blog Solstrikke
was kind enough to let me post a photo of her beautiful
Flowers in the Snow Afghan.


I chose this pattern after viewing her easy to follow tutorial here.
She made it look so easy, and it is!  I haven't reached the part where the flowers
are joined together, but her instructions and accompanying photos
clearly explain the process.  Thank you Solveig!

If you've never tried your hand at crochet, there are so many videos
available at Youtube University, that anybody can learn.
I'm currently working on my doctorate.

Tools of the trade.

 So many pretty colors to choose from!

While many of you are already cleaning out your flower beds and planting flowers,
we've still got a foot of snow covering our gardens.  The only flowers I'm planting
are those on my March calendar, and the yarn flowers covering my coffee table.

  By my calculations........

365 divided by three or four circles a week minus days I do nothing at all =
My afghan should be finished around April of 2025.

So do tell, what's on your calendar?

Thanks for visiting and I hope you find time to do something you love today.
*I'm joining the parties at:
Cozy Little House Tweak it Tuesday
The Wicker House Create - Share - Inspire


  1. Vickie - Love your crocheted pieces. My Mom crocheted all the time and whenever I wanted something, I just had her do it. She was so fast. Now, I wish I would have stuck with her crochet lessons but at the time, it just wasn't what I wanted to do. I can crochet a single strand for miles. LOL


  2. So pretty! I keep saying that I'm going to learn to crochet. So many things to learn and not enough time. The though of the dogs jumping on something I worked on for 10 years makes me anxious. LOL
    Yes, it's time to work in the yard around's so warm and the air is yellow with all the pollen. I could use a little of your snow, Vickie. ;)
    Keep working on your afghan- I want to see it when you're finished.
    xoxo, T.

  3. When I was a teenager (10 years ago) I had a crocheted bikini, not that I made it myself or anything. So I'm thinking maybe if you join all your circled together you might be able to throw a bikini together for yourself in time for summer???

    1. I had one, too! 1980, when I had a bikini-worthy body. Now it would have to be a tablecloth.

  4. Can't WAIT until I can make smiley faces on the calendar! 22 more months!

  5. I adore a colorful granny square afghan - but I doubt I'll ever have the skills or the time to make one so maybe....ETSY???? :)

  6. Wonderful! I love crochet, your blanket will be gorgeous AND finished before then! Find a new-to-you show to binge watch on a slow (?) weekend, haha! Then, crochet til your hands want to curl up and fall off. Or not. But, slow and steady gets the blanket done. Since David has been home, we finally discovered Gilmore Girls and watched ALL SEVEN SEASONS in a matter of weeks. We made ourselves stretch it a little, but good grief, did we get sucked in!

  7. So pretty, Vickie! I love the charming colors...and the afghan is gorgeous! Good for you!

  8. The only time I crocheted was in high school during home ec. Remember that? It was a pink and white granny square blanket but I never finished it. I could never quite get the hang of the tight stiches and it was always too loose looking. I held onto that thing for over 30 years thinking some day I'll finish it. Nope.

    The blanket you showed is stunning. I can't imagine how much work she put into that. Actually, yes I could. I'm in awe.

    It looks like your squares are nicely done. Maybe you're not as fast as you would like to be, but slow and steady wins the race!


    (I've changed my blog so don't be confused).


  9. You crack me up, Vickie. LOL I think you'll finish your afghan before 2025, doctorate or not. Solveig's afghan is beautiful. How cool that you were able to connect with her and share it with us. My mother was a keen crocheter and taught me when I was in my teens. I quit crocheting after I married and haven't picked up the hook since. It's really popular these days. Have fun! xo ~ Nancy

  10. You are so entertaining...and talented! When I first glanced at the text, I saw "I'm currently working on my doctorate". Say whaaat?? Well, if it makes you feel any better, when I took that jewelry making class, I kept saying we needed to be in the remedial course - I was so slow! My daughter caught on really well, but it surprised me that my doll-making sister (who is also very talented in other artsy things), was as slow as me. What didn't surprise me is that sister went home, like you, and accomplished the earrings (we didn't finish them!), and made another bracelet. The instructor later posted on FB that the class would be scheduled for 4 hrs (it was supposed to be 2, but we took so long, she decided to alter course, lol).
    Seriously, though, I love FLowers in the Snow (didn't know the name), and granny squares in general. I collect the cotton potholders. Believe it or not, I crocheted back in the 70s - I think I burned those brain cells, though. :/

  11. I love your sense of humor! You won't be surprised to hear I don't crochet. ;-) Your work is beautiful. Doesn't matter if you're slow or it takes you until 2025 to finish an afghan. Just enjoy the process. And hey, since your hubby is retired, HE can put dinner on the table! There you go, more time for you to crochet! :-)

  12. Crocheting is fun and easy once you get the hang of it. I do lots of crocheted edges on napkins and table runners and I crocheted 6 Christmas stockings the first year I was married. We still use those stocking 45 years later. But, I have never made an afghan. Maybe I should make one.

    The more you crochet, the faster you will get so I know you'll have that afghan finished by the end of this decade!

  13. Hi Vickie, Well you are incredible learning to crochet. Your work is beautiful. I've been crocheting for 40 years and love it. It does get faster and easier as you go along. However, you have already master knitting so I'd say you are ahead of most. Have fun and enjoy the process. Everything you touch turns to gold!! xo

  14. You're amazing! I can't even imagine doing those beautiful circles and you did it. They're beautiful too. Good for you, my friend :)


  15. Vickie, those squares are beautiful. You are something else. I have crocheted one afghan with granny squares. I learned in high school and it took me until I was married to actually finish it. I still have it though and love it dearly. Your's is going to be amazing. Keep it up girl!

  16. They are beautiful. I can't crochet to save my life. Keep up the good work.
    I have a hard time even spelling crochet.


  17. That's a beautiful afghan. It does look like a lot of work to make though. I tried my hand at crocheting when I was a teenager. I never made more than a bracelet. Ha! Good luck with your project.

  18. Oh, how wonderful, Vickie!!! But be advised, crochet should come with a warning, it is highly addictive.

  19. I'm definitely marking my calendar for April 2025 to see that goregous finished crochet work!

  20. It will get done eventually ! Lovely circles thus far ! I had to smile as I'd tried knitting about 2 years ago and gave up and just stuck with my quilting but still had learning to crochet on the bucket list. Most of my quilting projects are painstakingly slow so I can sympathize. Hand word is so relaxing though, isn't it! :)

  21. Ah but it will look gorgeous when it is done and you can enjoy all the pretty colours in the meantime. Congratulations for sticking with you.

  22. Vickie it's looking so beautiful!! Good for you for learning something new!! I actually watched a learn how to crochet video not too long ago. I'm so intimidated by any kind of thread and needle. I didn't even give it a go.
    I hope that snow you told me about melts away quick!! Have a great weekend and thank you for all of your sweet comments! xo Sally

  23. ProtectorofVintage (Ann)March 18, 2016 at 11:19 AM


  24. Your blog is amazing!
    I am your new ranger :-)))

  25. You are so creative, Vickie, I'm not surprised how quickly you picked up crocheting. I have a feeling you'll have your beautiful afghan completed way before your finish date. :-))
    Mary Alice

  26. Knitting is what I usually do, but nothing can beat a pretty granny square afghan. Just one at a time will get you there, if not a great coaster. Congrats on learning!

  27. An afghan in your home would look charming !

  28. Good for you! Your first square is leaps and bounds better than my first crocheted square several years ago. We did back and forth patterns for a dishcloth. Not nearly as fun. I left my first crochet class with blurred vision because I looked at nothing but my crochet for so long and so hard. I hope you like crochet. You're an accomplished knitter, but I think crochet is so much easier -- especially correcting mistakes.

  29. Congratulations and welcome to the Dark Side!! I am not the least bit surprised that your first attempts look splendid. You are an artiste my dear. I hope crochet is a bit easier on your digits too. xo


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