I must confess.
I hate garage sales!
I hate everything about them.
I've held 2 in my life and I begged my mother and daughters
to "work" the sales.
I don't even like going to garage sales.
All that awkwardness.
In a small town, I'm likely to know the person holding the sale,
so even if it's all junk, I feel like I have to buy something.
And then donate it to charity.
as I was driving home from Lowe's one Saturday afternoon,
I spotted a sale from the corner of my eye.
Two blocks later, I turned my car around to check it out.
I saw an old workbench looking thing that truly was a wonderful old piece.
It was made with old beadboard and the perfect size for a kitchen island.
But it was heavy. And big. And it wouldn't fit in my car.
And nothing was priced, but the salesman offered it to me for $10!
Call me crazy, but I had to pass it up. I'm finally starting to clear stuff
out of our basement and garage, and I don't think that monster
would have fit through my doors.
I did find a couple of things I was interested in, though.
A 1950's Cosco step stool chair in need of a little love and...
a TV tray on wheels in perfect condition after a swipe with a Swiffer.
He wanted $2.00 each for these pieces!
No can do. It was time to make a deal, Monty.
So, did I get a deal?
You betcha!
$1.00 each!!!
Julie, you'll be getting the TV tray you were looking for. As for the chair...
A little elbow grease and some paint and I hope it resembles...

Google Images
This step stool can also be used as a youth chair, and I'll be needing it soon.
We are expecting grandbaby number 3 right around Christmas!
Congratulations Julie and Jeremy!
Even though it was our turn to host Christmas (on Christmas Eve) this year.
Oh, well. Christmas on Thanksgiving it is!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!